1/11/16 5:48 p.m.
I am trying to scrounge up spare cash and lately have been thinking about ebaying an old leather vanson boston "white label" (saw that in some ebay ad for a similar one ) jacket.
I know there is a market for vintage bikes but should i price this jacket as "vintage" Or just "black leather jacket in good shape).
Also is there a good season to sell this stuff or is any time of the year good? Or any other tips for researching or selling this kind of stuff?
Vanson anything will bring good money. I would try eBay before Craig's for something like that.
Tips - have pics that clearly show the label(s) and any damage or wear, show it being worn if it still fits you, and mention in your ad what size, weight, etc. you are/were when it fit you.
Pop up some pics. One of us might be interested.
Yep. Size, pics, price, and location dude.
1/14/16 3:36 p.m.
In reply to SEADave:
Thanks that covers a lot.
I took a few photos for you other guys and maybe to get any other information...? Time to buy a fabric tape measure too i guess

"Size 42"
I am told it should fit someone north of 6 ft tall or someone less with a thick sweater.
Size 42 is all anyone on eBay will need to know, and that would be the place to go for the best $.
1/14/16 10:05 p.m.
In reply to Petrolburner:
Great that should save a headache thanks! I only have experience with the alphabetic sizing system anyways