I have realized that due to some life changes, car projects are not practical for the time being. I have always wanted a bike, so now seemed like as good a time as any. I ended up picking up two bikes in one week. LOL so much for taking up less space than a car...
Here are the ladies:
Seca, 1982 Yamaha Seca 750

The Bobber, 1986 Honda VT500C

Not a bad week if I do say so myself. I have less than $500 in the pair of them...
i hate you...
that being said the bobber is pretty cool. send it my way, im looking for a low buck bike
I rode the Honda bobber over the weekend. Nothing big, just up and down the alley a little. It has an off idle stumble (carb rebuild in order) but feels great and sounds even better! Big smiles... The bike needs turn signals and some going over before it takes to the streets.
I also ordered the brake parts for the Seca, calipers and master cylinder need to be rebuilt. The carbs need cleaned as well. I cant wait to ride this one.
I started working on the Seca this weekend. One of the first buys for it will be tires. I am leaning toward the Avon AM26 Anyone have any other suggestions?
Sizes are 3.25-19 front and 120/90-18 rear.
Nice couple of bikes. My current garage space would be better served for motorcycle projects as well. But I can't bring myself to give up car projects.
I recommend Bridgestone BT45s for skinny tire motorbikes, I just picked up a pair for the Yamaha RD400 Daytona Special That's now 100% disassembled in the shop. They're supposed to be sticky enough for the suspension on these bikes, wear reasonably well, and are cheap enough. I think I got 'em from Bike Bandit online and found a coupon online for free freight.
Spring is in the air! Time to start working on bikes again...
I got my motorcycle learners a few weeks ago, and took the riders safety course last week and over the weekend. I passed with flying colors! Now that I have a licenses its time to get the bikes together.
Started cleaning up the bobber yesterday. Ill post pictures as I get closer to finished!
Like the Bobber! That thing need Kawasaki green wheels or something. 
Great couple days on the bikes!
Spent most of yesterday working on the Honda, replaced fuel and vac lines, Changed the front brake fluid and re-bled the brake. Spent the rest of my time working on the Yamaha. After tearing the carbs back off I found that I built one wrong (floats in upside down) Fixed that, put it back together and it fired right up. Now I just need to get front brakes on it and it will be ready to ride!
Took a couple days off work to play with the bikes. Decided to sell the Bobber as soon as I have the title in hand. I do not need two bikes, and though I like the style of the Bobber I know the Seca will be a more capable everyday bike.
So I have turned my attention back to the Seca. I took it two weekends ago to get the VIN verified ( for the title work on it) and when we brought it back the the house we dropped it while unloading it from the trailer. I felt like a doof. We didn't do much damage, broke a turn signal and the head light assembly. After a day with the super glue the headlight looks almost as good as new. After that I turned my attention to new shoes! I pulled the front and rear wheels to mount my new Avon Roadrider AM26 tires. While I had the wheels off I UNPAINTED the spokes and wheel lips. I think there was just to much black on the bike. (the P.O. even painted the rotors.... LOL) After reading about a lot of problems with rear brake shoes delaminating I also replaced the rear brakes with EBC parts. The only thing left to do now is rebuild the front brakes.

After... Nice!!

4 into 1 goodness! (wonder if the P.O. re-jetted..)

Much better! I hate the dual square lights and gauge panel... Maybe Ill change it this winter when I repaint it.

Box of Brakes.....