1/6/13 12:31 p.m.
while I am deployed (again) my wife went home to Omaha. Driving through her Dad's neighborhood she see a sign that reads "Free" attached to this;

74 Yamaha TX550, complete! W00t!
So she made her brother and brother- in-law push it home. My wife scored me another project.
She rules... except for her poor taste in men. Too bad! She's a Mexican Catholic, so she's stuck!
1/6/13 1:09 p.m.
You clearly have excellent taste in women.
Does she have any sisters?
It's a TX500, but still a good score. They were pretty complicated engines for the time - dual overhead cams, four valves per cylinder. One of my buddies had one when we were teenagers, it moved along pretty well for a 500.
Here's an article from Motorcycle Classics on them:
1/11/13 1:41 p.m.
Curmudgeon wrote:
Does she have any sisters?
She has three. Two are preggers, but the oldest is divorced for a few years from a loser, has two kids, two jobs and needs a man to treat her right. Great smile, takes care of herself and has a good sense of humor. And all of them can cook, cuz they're Mexican.
How do you feel about Omaha?
Stuart, thanks for the link! I actually pulled up the same article when the wife sent me pictures. That rocks!
No Omaha, thankyaverramuch. Reckon she'd be interested in the mountains? 
I was going to bring the 70's era (?) CB100 home after my FIL bought it, but he tore it apart before I could intervene. On the other hand, my wife just gave me permission to buy the 125 I've been eyeballing. Don't hate, my weight matches it's ccs.
So, score to both of us.
1/16/13 2:23 a.m.
Curmudgeon wrote:
No Omaha, thankyaverramuch. Reckon she'd be interested in the mountains?
There are mountians in Charlseton?