Finished my first motorcycle project today.
I bought a pair of bikes last month, a 1980 CX500 and a 1981 GL500 silverwing for parts.
The GL500 is stripped and gone, the CX needed a CDI module replaced and a good going over.
I painted the bike as it had faded from a nice burgundy colour to the most wonderfult catE36 M3 brown you've ever seen.
I took it for the first ride today, around the block, since it was my first time riding a motorcycle, ever.
I'm pretty happy with the results:

7/14/12 6:37 p.m.
Welcome to your expensive new hobby.
Somebody makes a really bitchin' cafe kit for those.
I have a spare tank if you need one.
7/17/12 2:47 p.m.
Is it bad that I can reference nearly any type of bike back to when it was featured in BikeExif?

7/20/12 8:24 p.m.
The Gulf Racing livery color scheme is pretty sweet. Are you going to keep the stadium seating, or are you going to switch it up? I really like the CX and GL v-twins, they're really clever bikes.
An update to my situation...
I passed my road test for my full motorcycle licence today, Yay me!
I'll post up some current pics of the bike shortly, I've done a bit more work to it. I've also bought another one, a CX650 Eurosport. It needs a starter clutch but I'm about halfway done.
New bars, mirrors, seat and a set of used HD Dyna Low Rider mufflers.

I put 200K on it on Sunday, the local classic motorcycle club had a group ride. The guy in the lead had a 1946 Indian Chief and boy did he haul ass.
I don't know a bit about them hondas but I like the style of them a bunch. I actually sold two harley mufflers to some young guy riding an ex500? which is basically the same bike you have looking. I just couldn't imagine strapping 20lbs to my bike, guy was nervous about his bike beeing too loud going to vegas. My blast is louder than a any stock harley so I guess I don't recognize sociatal norms like a silent bike.
looks like a poor/smart mans guzzi to me.
They're not any heavier than the stock Honda megaphones and they're not much louder because they;ve still got the baffles in them.
The guy I bought the mufflers from swapped them out for screamin' eagle muffler so his neighbours could hate him.
Honda proved they could build a better flying twin, then stopped making them.