I have a 2001 XR250r that has always been hard to start. All stock. The first ride this year, the bike was hard as ever to start, then kept dying on me. I ran the carb dry before I put it away, but figured that it was from bad gas. I pulled and cleaned the carb and also wanted to check what jets were in it.
Stock 132 main, needle on middle clip, pilot set per the book.
While I was at it I adjusted the valves. One exhaust was very loose, the settings called for .004 and .005 but I didn't have that shim, the thinnest I had was .006 so I set them all to that for now. I plan to buy a shim, .135 main and new plug this week and reset the valves.
The plug looked good, running lean but no build up. Set the gap,per the manual and the plug is the standard plug per the book.
I put it all together and it still won't start for crap. The bike feels like there is almost no compression. I can kick it 6 or 7 full strokes slowly and never get a good compression. Then for no reason it will firm up.
I have read a bunch of tips/tricks for kicking the bike over, my trick is to once I get the good resistance, kick slightly to move just past TDC and then give it a good kick with no gas. When it was warm and I got the resistance, it started.
I have the manual decompression adjusted and even unhooked it. I kick the bike slowly to find TDC. How do I check to see if the auto decompression is not hanging up? I am thinking that this is where my issue is.
I know that there is a 150 page thread on ADV for XR250s, but every time I start to read thru there I waste 2 hours and wind up on craigslist looking for XR400 forks.
also, when adjusting valves, I always adjust them so I can feel slight drag on the shim as I pull it out and lock the jam nut with the shim still in place. But when I pull it out, I can never get the shim back in. Is that normal? Or am I tightening it too much?