I am sitting here looking at cheap autos on craigslist, something I know you never do... Anyway I spot a, well, certain car and my mind wanders far back, like to 1984 or so.
I lived in Murfreesboro TN and worked for a tool rental company delivering air hammers, skid steers, whatever. I was told to deliver an air compressor and rock drill to a field near Spring Hill TN. It struck me as odd because there was no construction projects going on in that area.
I figured it would a house or dam or some foundation work type thing. I followed the directions and wound up in a green field in the middle of nowhere.
I got on the radio, "No, I'm not kidding, there is nothing out here, there is nobody to sign for it, its just a field" Rocky (my manager) said "Just drop it there don't worry about the signature. They are building a Saturn plant"
I replied, "Ok, but what the heck is a Saturn plant?"
On an aside -- I think there was a backhoe at the back of the field, but it is really feels odd that I delivered one of the first pieces of equipment to build an auto manufacturing plant that doesn't make autos today.