As a final insult, 2016 claimed one very close to me on the 28th of December. My trusty Fit, which I bought brand new in 2009, in the midst of the economic downturn, is no more. It has ceased to be.
A group of five juveniles, presumably out on a joy ride in a burgundy Mitsubishi struck the death blow to my 87,000 mile appliance, daily driver, and trusted companion. They were the pursued in a high speed chase through a residential neighborhood. Luckily, no one was hurt.
Back in '09, I was fresh out of Home inspection school, and my DD Swift was deemed "not respectable enough" for my planned career path.The 300,000 mile chassis and blown head gasket didn't help, either
So, I started shopping for a used car. What I really wanted was a Matrix. Preferably an XRS,
but was disappointed to learn that ten grand might get you a 100K mile beater. Even in lower trims. Bogus.
I shopped all kinds of used cars, and no one was dealing, despite the severe economic climate. So, I started looking at new stuff. Toyota had turned the Matrix into a Camry wagon instead of Corolla. No Dice. After much deliberation, I started looking at new Fits. With projected 300+ mile days ahead, I started thinking maybe the security of a new car- which I thought I'd never do again- sounded like a good plan. The Honda guys were champing at the bit. They practically wrapped their tiny car salesman hands around my leg as I walked toward the door "to just check out the new Scions". We eventually settled on 15 grand on that Valentine's day, 2009.
Well, I turned down the home inspection job, and agreed to handle the shop in a new venture my former boss was cooking up-metal roofing. Thing was, that job didn't start for a bit, so I went on walkabout with my new steed. Out to the west coast, all the way up hwy 101 to Portland (I can't believe that GT3 was really trying, but suffice to say the little econo box handled 101 very well), then across the top of the country through Idaho, Minnesota, and the other states bordering Canada. I stayed in a hotel one night out of six weeks, and the Fit performed flawlessly. I had my mountain bike on a roof rack, camping gear and tunes inside, and a really open schedule.
I visited every friend I had out west. They were all scattered to the seven winds, and it was magnificent. Colorado, Santa Cruz, the Dinkey lakes,Portland, Montana, Minneapolis, Chicago, we visited lots of folks and places, camping and hiking the whole way. Good times.
I returned to launch the roofing business, and bought a house some two miles from the shop, as I knew I'd be spending a lot of time there. As my one and only running vehicle (come to think of it, the first car I ever had with functioning AC,horn, electric windows, and all that grown up stuff), the Fit became my truck. I hauled plywood on the roof rack, bags of concrete inside. I even brought the 14' I beam for the chainfall on my new shop home in that car.
The Fit saw many road trips, and most horrifically, 4 miles of commuting a day for the next 6 years. Sure, it went through 3 sets of door locks in that time, but what a car.
I left the roofing shop for greener pastures, and through that last year, struggled to get the Takata air bag replaced. Just a couple of months ago, Honda finally came through, and the fit had a clean bill of health- all set for the next adventure. Funny thing, the airbags didn't even deploy.
Farewell, old friend.
You took a hell of a hit for me.