Powder Coating the Suspension

Here's our disassembled suspension and undercarriage pieces, ready to go off to the powder coater. We changed our minds about the fuel tanks at the last minute.

It's almost impossible to tell the difference between a powder coated part and one that's been painted the original satin black.

With everything cleaned and disassembled, it was time to powder coat all our black pieces. While these pieces were originally painted in satin black, we have found that a powder coat finish is much more durable. The difference is nearly impossible to detect, and since our local powder coater will also blast and prep these pieces at a very reasonable price, getting it done is very economical.

At the last minute, we decided to paint the gas tanks in the picture instead of powder coating them, as we were concerned that the heat of the oven that cures powder coated pieces might cause the seams to come apart and the tanks to leak.

Our local powder coater, East Coast Ornamental Welding did the whole job for well under $300. They can be reached at (386) 672-4340.

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