Post-Rally Sorting

A thousand miles will teach you a lot about a car. We came back from the rally with a list of things to fix.

When we got back from the Texas 1000 rally, we went to town on our list until the Shelby was much closer to perfect.

When it comes to sorting cars, we always stick to the same MO: Make a list of things that need attention, then knock them off one by one. When we got back from the Texas 1000 rally, we went to town on our list until the Shelby GT 350 was much closer to perfect.

First up, we checked out a power steering leak we noticed before the Texas 1000. It turned out to be minor, as a line fitting had cracked and was easily fixed at the local hydraulic supply store.

Also before the rally, the new fuel tank sending unit we had just installed decided to fail. These are known to cause trouble on early Mustangs, but NPD quickly resolved the issue. We’ve had no further problems in this department.

Around the same time, a slight transmission problem cropped up: The car wanted to occasionally jump out of third gear. We took the Shelby back to Volusia Drive Train, and the crew there quickly solved the problem with a stronger detent to hold the transmission in third gear.

As for our exhaust fume problem, we solved it with a new deck lid seal from NPD.

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