Started on Oct. 23 by Randy_Forbes

1999 BMW M Coupe

My first encounter with this car was in January 2005 when I installed my trunkfloor/differential mount reinforcement in it for the owner. My second time was when the car was brought back to me approximately a year later to fit the then new to market Eurosport Twinscrew Supercharger package. The (same) owner wanted to be sure all the bugs were worked out, and insisted that I use the car to commute to my day-job for the week. WOW, what an impression this car made on me! In the ensuing years, the owner moved back to Europe, and the car was purchased by a mutual friend of ours. When she decided to sell it to help start a business dream of hers, she knew that I was the only person__other than our mutual friend that sold it to her__to have rightful possession of this magnificent car. We, my wife and I, couldn’t have agreed more! Besides the aforementioned reinforcement and ES/TS, it also benefits from c/o suspension (d/a Koni fr, Bilstein PSS1 rr & TCK springs all around). A Hamman DTM exhaust (it MUST be a rebranded SuperSprint, as it is identical the the ones fitted to my two M Rdstrs). Racelogic traction control__which is miraculous, especially in the rain!! The seats and doorcards were redone in black leather with blue thread, a Raid steering wheel (w/airbag) and European glovebox & LH underdash panels, and a vintage BMW Traffic Pro head unit round out the interior. I have owned and daily driven 2-seat sportscars continously since I bought a brand new 1973 MGB when I was eighteen (18) years old, and this is by far the most practical one I’ve yet had (following in a long succession of using MGBGTs as work/service vehicles). Of our current selection, this ranks as the Next To Last sportscar to go ;)

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