Started on March 24 by maseratiguy

1980 Maserati Merak SS

Another ‘80’s ikon! Competitor to the 308’s. It doesn’t get the press the Ferrari does but it is less expensive , less maintenance intensive, better built, and cheaper to run. The later ones came without the Citroen hydraulics and are a real pleasure. Not quite as fast, (more of a Gt) as the Ferrari in spec, but will keep pace on the street and in rallys.

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March 24, 2011, 9:53 p.m.

I always liked the Merak. Many years ago a red, Citroen-era one was for sale at a local dealer. One day I saw that it had been completely smashed. I asked the dealer what happened and he said a tractor trailer had accidentally backed into it. What a tragedy.

March 25, 2011, 5:14 p.m.

OUCH! they are so low that he probably didn't even see it. My ground clearance is only about 4.5 inches. It probably has a fair amount of valuable parts that are salvageable. Some of the parts bring a good price. Can you get the tool kit for me? (they came with a toll roll with a dozen or so simple tools).

David S. David
April 1, 2011, 4:10 p.m.

I like it.

Nov. 24, 2012, 10:57 p.m.

The Merak is a very cool car. Italian art on 4 wheels. It is the up and coming classic. When done up with the right modifications, it can be a formidable machine. IMHO! BTW, great photos Ciao, George

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