034 Motorsport articles, project cars, conversations, and more

034 Motorsport project car updates

Dogbone inserts: Will they work just as well as solid bushings?

Our GTI has seen some track time. Lots of it, in fact, as evidenced by its podium finish in our class at the Tire Rack One Lap …

Want more full-throttle laps on track? Upgrade the intercooler.

Is it really possible to do it all with one car?

We’ve asked that question in every update about our daily-driven Mk7 VW GTI, and the answer …

Track tires for a daily driver: Bigger isn't always better?

Suspension, power, brakes: There was one more piece of the puzzle for our Mk7 Volkswagen Golf GTI, and it was wheels and …

Are two-piece rotors worth the extra money?

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Suspension, power, must be time for brakes on our Mk7 Volkswagen GTI, right?

We’d …

Can we get faster laps in our Mk7 GTI by upgrading the intercooler?

Sure, our Mk7 GTI is both fast and consistent, but only for a handful of laps before the engine heat soaks and lap times get slower.

The solution? …

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