Ignition articles, project cars, conversations, and more

Ignition articles

Shop Work: How to perform a comprehensive ignition tune-up

A faulty ignition system will certainly ruin your day. Here are some steps to make sure that doesn't happen.

Drivetrain: 9 steps to easily diagnose ignition problems

As it turns out, most common ignition problems are actually easy to diagnose.

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Ignition project car updates

Diagnosing our Triumph Spitfire's ignition issues

We’ve all been there. We looked under the hood of our 1973 Triumph Spitfire and found a mishmash of ignition components from different eras. 

We purchased the Triumph …

Ignition Forum Topics

How to live happily ever after with your pre-OBD classic car.
EDIS ignition via Megasquirt - cam wheel instead of crank?

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