My son and I need to do some appearance work to our Challenge car. I recall that there is a board member (or maybe a few) who offer vinyl services for Challenge competitors. Is there anyone who could help us with some vinyl design and cutting? The livery we're going with is pretty simple. Help would be appreciated!!
Do you have a vector file? My wife has a Silhouette and I can ask my son if he wants to try it out.
I do not. No clue how to create a design as a vector unfortunately.
Me neither but that is what he always mentions.
What are you looking at getting cut? Numbers/letters or a logo? If you have something in mind you can PM me and I can ask him.
8/29/22 3:34 p.m.
In reply to Slippery :
Vector files!
So, you know when you go into MS Paint and you draw a line at an angle, then you zoom in and it looks jagged? Like a bunch of steps? That is a non-vectored image. It is a line made of pixels, so it looks good at anything above a certain resolution.
A vector file is one that is not made of pixels, but instead is made of the mathematical formulas that connect points together along the line. Vector files are infinitely scalable so in this case you can size it for whatever car you want. Got a go-kart with a fiberglass body? Scale the vector file down. Got a monster truck? Scale it up!
To make a vector file, you just need something that produces those images. InkScape does, as well as a few other free options
Anyone out there have a way to create vector files? What we have in mind is easy! :D
I can probably help out. I'm getting back into the vinyl graphics business although I'm not worried about making money. I'm doing something for my challenge car too which is a bit complex. I just setup my new expensive USA made cutter last night.
In reply to dyintorace :
Gimp software is an opensource photo editing program that is free and allows files to be saved in EPS format, which will be a vector file.
In reply to Mr_Asa :
That makes total sense.
My 15 year old, who is way smarter than me when it comes to computers just downloaded the file that dyintorace sent me and he was able to trace that. So we are good there. The biggest problem is that my machine has a 12" max width. Depending on the needed size we might need to print it in sections and then stitch it together on the car.
I got the e mail. I will reply later. My new cutter is 24" cutting width. I just need to know colors, get the file and discuss install. I could do it during the parking lot build or you can.