In response to the generous offerings of dyintorace, I'm doing something nice!
I have a couple of F-Body LT1 parts lying around. I don't have an LT1, though. Strange.
So, be the first to claim these, and they are yours. You pay the shipping, or something.
1) A used set of LT1 heads, in good shape if a little dirty.
2) A brand new LT1 cam. I'm decently sure it's a stock F-Body cam.
If you need some pictures, I can probably snap one, but they are really uninteresting...
Woo hoo. Our own pay it forward. 
Love the pay it forward idea. I hope whoever gets the LT1 stuff finds something in their garage they can let go.
Are the heads aluminum? If so I would gladly pay the freight if you would be willing to ship to Ohio.
I will take the cam if you still haveit. Let me know how much to ship to 95969 and how you would like the payment. I will also be willing to pay any paypal fees if that is the methood of payment. You are awsome.
Where are u located jam interested in the heads for next challange car.
Cam is yours! PM me with an address and I'll figure out all the details. 
Looks like the heads and cam are spoken for! I now have a free shelf! 
I'll get those out soon as I can, guys. I am leaving out of town for a few days, will likely send them out middle of next week.
Daddy_Rocket wrote:
Cam is yours! PM me with an address and I'll figure out all the details.
PM sent please let me know if you did not get it.