Thanks. What I've discovered for getting the most out of a deal is to buy unfinished projects....preferably when the seller is under a time crunch. This one was midway though a swap when the seller was surprised by a divorce, the car sat in his basement garage for 5 years. Then he came back to town to sell said house and suddenly had to get the car gone within 2 days. It cost me a grand even with tubs and tubs of extra pieces to finish putting it together.
In reply to KyAllroad (Jeremy) (Forum Supporter) :
You can get some ridiculous deals if you just happen to be at the right place at the right time.
And if you can pick up two or three similar projects... Piles and piles of cheap parts.
Storage can become a problem though!
KyAllroad (Jeremy) (Forum Supporter) said:
Last spring I picked up a 1987 Fiero GT that was midway through a turbo 3800 swap. The build has been kinda slow (brakes/hubs are a PITA) and for autocross purposes we pulled off the turbo and reverted to supercharger. Built bottom end, and lumpy cam should get it to around 370-380 hp.

Maybe it'll be ready for '21
I've always loved tohe look of the GT.
Commuted regularly with dherr for years in a white non GT that had a 'substantial' rear spoiler that killed rear visibility. Car was a blast though.