Open question to all who have been to past challenges: what's the atmosphere like for spouses at the challenge? Coming from Michigan, a few days in Florida in October sounds pretty good to my wife, and I think she's curious/excited about the cars and the challenge itself as well.
Do other folks bring their spouses? Kids? I know it's family friendly (at least on principal), but don't know what to expect or whether she'd have a chance at having a good time without doing any of the driving.
Go for it. Very family friendly. Lil Stampie gets out of school for it.
Yep. Very family and spouse friendly. There is always someone on the sidelines and/or in the pits to sit with and watch the show (or talk to and ignore the cars altogether). Mrs. ShawneeCreek and I will both be there this year to spectate and socialize.
I brought my wife the first time & she enjoyed just hanging out in the shade & reading a book. Unfortunately our critter commitments have prevented her from returning, but she really wants to attend again.
Make sure you get her a ticket to the awards banquet. It's always a fun time.
I brought Mrs P and she spent her days at the hotel pool sunning, swimming and reading. In the evening we’d go out for dinner then hang out with other members at night
I bring my youngest child to the Challenge most years. It's very family friendly......he'll be 33 this year.
The first time I went alone and had a great time. The following year and every year since, my wife joins me and has a great time. Which is amazing since she is not a motorsports person.
What events usually happen on the Saturday this year? I'm going to be in Orlando the weekend of the challenge this year and may make the trek up for the day and take in the sights and sounds.
In reply to dxman92 :
Saturday morning is concours and the evening is the awards. In between the two is Stampie nap time on the couch in the hotel lobby.
My wife came with me once or twice, and as long as yours is cool with drinking whiskey with the Hongs in the hot tub until 4am, it's plenty spouce-friendly.
Its a great time. It is my wifes favorite automotive event i drag her to lol. Last year we went when she was preggo and this year our daughter who will be 8 months will be there. Good time with great people surrounded by super safe cars. cant wait.
Mr. Lee
10/4/21 5:47 p.m.
surfshibby07 said:
Its a great time. It is my wifes favorite automotive event i drag her to lol. Last year we went when she was preggo and this year our daughter who will be 8 months will be there. Good time with great people surrounded by super safe cars. cant wait.
You haven't looked too closely at some of the engineering on these cars. Some of it is art. Some of it sketchy. Hang out with the GA tech crew. Just stay away from the car.
Seriously though. Really great group of people. My wife comes and hangs out. I'm going to try and make it a point to be a bit more socialiable this year. Lots of people recognize me as been there before, sadly, few know my name.
Let's wear "my name is..." tags again with our forum and real names on them
Mr. Lee
10/4/21 9:25 p.m.
Mr_Asa said:
Mr. Lee said:
sadly, few know my name.
Its "Mr. Lee" right?
Yes, but would you know me if you saw me in person? I've missed 3 challenges in the last 14 years. If not competing, I'm spectating. I was at the hotel for the twig and berries incident. Though sadly I missed the Hongs try and burn down the parking lot shrubbery.