Nope, not white. It was silver in it's previous life. I have a title but it would take a lot of work to make it street legal again. I'm not in a huge rush to move it but by spring would be nice. I'm thinking about putting my house on the market and I have way too much yard art around right now. I'll probably have a couple of CJ7's on here soon as well as a car trailer. Btp76, I got your message, I was out in the Gulf of Mexico with no cell service, I will call you Sunday afternoon.
This car will run, it just smokes a whole lot under full throttle. I'm guessing that the oil control rings are bad.
spriteracer wrote:
Nope, not white. It was silver in it's previous life. I have a title but it would take a lot of work to make it street legal again.
If it has lights, hell just put the Racing Beat rear muffler on it and it will be plenty quiet enough to be driven on the street.
My non-salt daily driver is essentially this car, but without the bodywork, and with fuel injection and the complete RB dual exhaust system. (It's not just a cool avatar
Smoking under full throttle isn't oil rings, that generally only shows up on cold start and decel. It's probably a carburetor problem, something easily solved by yanking it off the car and selling it on eBay for an absurd figure because IDA, and installing fuel injection.