UPDATE 6/11/2013: PRICE IS NOW $500.
Hey, guys. My roommate's selling her mostly-dead Saab Convertible. She's letting me give GRMers first crack before throwing it on Craigslist for $1500 - there's room for negotiation for GRMers. :D
Located in north San Jose, Ca.
- Engine: B235
- ~140k miles
- Graphite Green, sand beige leather interior
- 16" wheels
- 5 speed manual
The good
- Transmission rebuilt, brakes redone
- Currently registered until June
- LCD works - climate control display is kind of readable (splotchy)
- Tires are brand new - IIRC, she replaced them about 2-3 weeks before the car stopped starting
The Bad
- Engine turns over but doesn't run
- Compression test on engine - 2 cal >30psi, other 2 wouldn't hold anything
- Oil is thin - gas or coolant in the oil??
The Not-So-Ugly
It's actually a pretty sharp looking car...some minor dings, top is okay but will need replacing in the next year or two if you're not stripping the car.
Will update with pix...