Rather than take time that I don't have to part it out after an rod bearing failure, I'm just gonna put up the whole kit & kaboodle.
Is this something people would be interested in? Also have the tranny and will be parting out the engine.
Southern car until last year, only one Northeast winter on it.
Let me know what you think!
2/18/15 4:10 p.m.
His profile says Amsterdam NY. The rest?
That's one thing I can't stand about this forum. I have no idea what an R53 is.
Mini Cooper (not a real one) one of them BMW ones.
specifically it was the hard top, supercharged version. It does make things hard to follow - there are a lot of those people use here that I don't get, but it saves a lot of typing over "MINI hardtop, S Model, supercharged" every time.
I'm thinking $1500 for the rolling chassis or $2000 for the chassis + tranny, which makes me think I should have posted in the regular classifieds, lol. Maybe a helpful mod can move this ad.
2/18/15 9:14 p.m.
It took a while to get used to: B13-951-S14-W124-E30/36/28/39 etc.
I just stuck around long enough to see what the hell they were talking about.
Ian F
2/19/15 8:04 a.m.
You need to post a lot more info about the car. From your pics I see it's a sunroof car, so I'm out (my personal version of Hell has me driving around a MINI with the sunroof open). Personally, $2000 for the whole thing is a bit on the high side, unless there is something else about the car that would justify that value.
<-- (has spent a lot of time with MINI's since 2003 and wouldn't be afraid of swapping an engine)