Anyone looking for a nice built-up Pro Street air cooled VW transaxle for WAY short money? All of the goodies inside and the usual massive heavy duty side cover on the outside. Needs a nose cone. It was removed for shipping in order to make the box size limit and not run over-sized. Use the nose cone from your original transaxle, Easy Peasy.
I'm not sure what the final gearing is, I suspect that it's set up as a Free Way flyer as most of these were. Bought it from Dan, who co-runs the Litchfield and Terryville Connecticut VW shows, he said that it was never used. Totally believe that.
Output shaft has some surface rust from sitting, easy wire brush to remove. Only asking $350 for it, that's more than $1,000 cheaper than they usually go for. No projects in the near future that I'd be using it on, so time to pass it along to the next guy.
It's here in Carver, Massachusetts. Too much these days to ship, pick up preferred.
Probably post any interest here as receiving PMs just doesn't seem to work right. Out going PMs work fine so I can PM you back with my email address if you like and we can "chat."
Thanks !