My girlfriend wants a newer VW GTI (my reaction:
) so we are selling her Neon R/T. The craigslist post pretty much covers it all, but I'll add: the brake pads are Hawk HP plus, there is still good pad material left but they will be due for replacement by the end of the summer. I am also thinking it could use tie rod ends and rear shocks sooner than later.
Car includes all OE parts removed and a bunch of spares.
$2013 for GRM'ers. It is the cleanest 1g Neon I have seen in years up here in the rust belt. We may be open to trades.

Man, what a deal. Willing to possibly part with the Exports?
If I wasn't balls-deep in rebuilding the 2.0 in my car, I'd take this tomorrow.
We may be willing to swap parts for OEM depending on the offer, but then again this is a pretty dang special 1g Neon as it sits and I'm hesitant to mess with it too much.
It's been awhile since I looked under the hood of a neon, but I thought the R/T neon was a dohc motor. That looks like a single?
No, it is most definitely a dual.
If you're interested in parting, shoot me a PM/email on here.
It is absolutely a DOHC, it is just missing the engine cover (which I may have in a box somewhere).
If we can't unload it whole I'll let you know.
Like I said, its been awhile, like since 98. I rolled my R/T 6 months after I bought it new. You don't find em looking like that often. Wish I had the $$ for it.
5/7/13 12:23 p.m.
Damn, I miss my Neons sometimes. I need that like a need a hole in the head, unfortunately. GLWS - post it on and it will get snapped up pretty quickly.
Duke wrote:
Damn, I miss my Neons sometimes. I need that like a need a hole in the head, unfortunately. GLWS - post it on and it will get snapped up pretty quickly.
GRM'ers, better act now to save $400! (or $387, whatever!)
Hmm, a flight from Dulles to Milwaukee is only 120 bucks...
Any reason it wouldn't pass a state inspection, and does it still have working heat and AC? SWMBO wants a nice replacement for her Cavalier.
Heat works fantastic. No A/C (removed by PO). I always forget to mention that, probably because A/C is largely unnecessary in WI. I would think it would do just fine on the drive, it has never once had a mechanical failure. WI doesn't have state inspections so I can't comment on that, but it's not a rustbucket (although the muffler is looking a little rough after this past winter).
I do have a few locals coming to look this weekend.
This car is killing me. This is on the short list of cars to replace my mx6, but I'm not quite done with my car yet.
SlickDizzy wrote:

Does want is strong with this one. Must resist . . . Must finish other projects.