I bought the car from this forum so I figured I should offer it up for sale here again. I have had the car so several years but have not had a chance to do anything with it. It is a 4 door rolling chassis. The body is in good shape. I put it in Clist for $700 but I know how everybody on this forum is looking for a deal...
I would also entertain the idea of a trade for an e30 BMW
Here is a link to the ad:
Here is a picture of the car as it sits right now:

I wish you people would stop doing this.
It needs your help! It is like a sad puppy at the pound.
I really need to stop looking at the $2010 post. So tempting if only I had money. I don't guess you would want to trade for two non-runnings MG Midgets. 
Thanks for the offer but I would rather pay bills or trade for an E30.
I figured it was worth asking. My parents would probably much prefer one non-running car at their house then two. 
If you already have 2 none running cars then 3 would be even better!
Jonathan, I hope you don't mind, but I am the guy you bought the car from on here. If it helps, I know quite a bit about the car and can help to answer questions if you need. Just tryin' to help!
Hey Les,
Thanks for any help! I had big dreams for this car but not enough time to commit to it. I even used one of your pictures in the clist ad because I still had it saved on my computer.
That should make it even more valuable... "Buy the car once owned by Les"
Too many states between you and me.
Hell yeah I am but I have one slight problem. Too many project cars, no storage space, not enough time, not enough money, house needs work, G/F is already mad.
nickel_dime wrote:
Hell yeah I am but I have one slight problem. Too many project cars, no storage space, not enough time, not enough money, house needs work, G/F is already mad.
Similar to my situation
I thought of something else for a trade... I need 17x8 or 17x9 5x114 wheels for my Lexus IS300.
Ah! I wish I had the moneys or I would make an offer.
i hate you.....i love chevy II's and i have an e30.