NMNA. No idea what it is. Isuzu? Colt?
Seller said:
I am pretty sure my car is haunted which is why I am selling it cheap.
Please call with best offer or suggestions for fixing.
100K+ miles but still runs great.
Please call 469-238-0060 for serious inquiries only.
$200 OBO

Wow, when was the last time you saw one of those?
Not nearly as popular as the 2 door of the same name.
Some quick online research states these were only sold for one or maybe two years in the US ('83, '84) but popular elsewhere.
I bet you do not know what it is?
I'm a paranormal investigator. Buy it and I'll investigate.
Not Cordia.
Not the Mitsu/Dodge Colt 5 door either (but would be a good guess.)

Yes, the rather rare 1983 Datsun Nissan Pulsar
In the same year, this 2 door shared the same name but was specifically a Pulsar NX.