So effing awesome. I should have a day free in this next week out of my hectic schedule to come up and get everything. Typing this from the paddock at Road Atlanta, babysitting a Porsche 944 Spec car and a 930. After this, its up to VIR for testing with the MX-5. Should be back on Tuesday, gonna try and shoot for Wednesday to come up...
Heh you think it's awesome, it's way more awesome for me... i get space, and i can throw all my old junk in your truck.
You'll be getting a LOT more than what i listed, just as a heads up.
Wednesday should work, i just gotta check my work schedule and make sure i don't have any late meetings. I'll let you know on Monday for sure.
Aweshum! Will it fit in my Volvo wagon? Or would i need a truck?
Volvo wagon should be fine, just bring a tarp or two, this isn't exactly brand new pristine clean stuff. 
I've got a hoist we can use for easy loading as well.
Sweet. Takes 9 hours to get to Indy from Atlanta according to Google, or 2 and a half days by bicycle...