You're new here, but historically these types of threads don't go well here..... The giving sites have a purpose, and "give me money to buy a car that I don't want to actually work for" isn't one of them....YMMV
11/4/15 8:29 a.m.
I'm with Paul. This feels more like panhandling than a 'cause'. Anyways you can import a R32 for way less than $30k. There have been multiple threads about Skylines and importing.
Take out a loan. Be an American and get some debt.
11/4/15 12:08 p.m.

This is not what I came here for.
I'd have no objection to "Selling xxx parts to raise money for Skyline fund" or "Inexpensive powdercoating/yardwork/whatever to raise money for Skyline fund, payments go to provided link.
I want free E36 M3 too! Where do I sign up?
11/4/15 4:03 p.m.
Get off our forum.
We work VERY hard around here to build our cars and don't ask for hand outs.
You are "part of the team" & want to help Bryan? WTF, you ARE Bryan!
Bryan, the site you linked to is full of people with Grade A problems - like CANCER. Being deeply desirous of an old datsun seems to pale in comparison. Recently this board lost a great dork to the big "C" and we've got another who is fighting for his life as I type this. The folks on this board will freely give advice, knowledge and expertise. Free money? Not so much.
So don't be a berkeleying E36 M3 head shiny happy person.
11/4/15 4:13 p.m.
etifosi wrote:
You are "part of the team" & want to help Bryan? WTF, you ARE Bryan!
Bryan, the site you linked to is full of people with Grade A problems - like CANCER. Being deeply desirous of an old datsun seems to pale in comparison. Recently this board lost a great dork to the big "C" and we've got another who is fighting for his life as I type this. The folks on this board will freely give advice, knowledge and expertise. Free money? Not so much.
So don't be a berkeleying E36 M3 head shiny happy person.
I came back to post pretty much this very thing. Our recently fallen comrade didn't ever ask for anything other than advice, and he gave 100X more than he received.
I'm stepping away now.
You're new here and appear to be pretty young, so I'm willing to give you the benefit of doubt that this is an attempt at humor, but I agree 100% with the above comments - this is in very poor taste.
Can I have a free dream car too?? All I have to do is make a quick request on a donation website? I've been doing it wrong this whole time!
I love it when people reference themselves in the third person.
Like we can't figure out who they are talking about?
Even better is his referencing Bryan as a group as in their
128racecar wrote:
I love it when people reference themselves in the third person.
Like we can't figure out who they are talking about?
Only commenting in this thread because of your name! 128 racecar?? My friends and I run one in the 24 hours of lemons
bryangourley8241 wrote:
Hi, I’m part of the team to help "The skyline fund" on GiveForward! Please help us reach Bryan’s goal
Aaaaand now the ridiculousness of this sentence is starting to hit me
New Reader
11/5/15 8:54 a.m.
Oddly enough, there was a similar post on my FB this morning.
Apparently some kid bought a similar skyline, wrecked it by being a supa drift master in the rain and was asking for handouts on GoFundMe to replace his dream car. The post went something like "I need a car to get back to work, would love to replace my dream car." Someone offered him a running diesel rabbit and he was like, thanks but no thanks, I don't drive VWs.
At this point, I don't think you can have a preference. lol
11/5/15 9:59 a.m.
Who said the younger generation has a higher sense of entitlement?
I have so much to say about this kid, but I won't.
But everyone gets a trophy!
Scottah wrote:
I have so much to say about this kid, but I won't.
It's strongly encouraged to do so here
RossD wrote:
Who said the younger generation has a higher sense of entitlement?
What's the age range on this younger generation?
Alright well that's enough of that. Locking this thread.