ANYONE got a chromed Austin A30/35 grill surround for sale? I totally WANT it ! ! !
Bee looking everywhere, shipping is too expensive from Australia, no one in the UK will sell to/ship to the States (they really seem to hate us over there these days, I've tried ten or more folks on eBay) and none of the "usual suspects" have one in stock or know WHEN they ever will have one.
Again, you GOT, I WANT ! ! (A40/Devon/etc. won't work, gotta be for an A30/35 Austin.)
Lemme know—
have you tried
Most of my friends in the UK who have done business on ebay selling to people in the US tend to have had bad experiences. Sad but true. Also, mail out of the UK isn't that reliable so a lot of people tend to get upset if their parcel tends to take 6-8 weeks (which in reality is anything between 3 days and 3 months). Heck, because of the postal issues even companies I've done business with when I lived in the UK won't ship stuff to me over here.
If you're really stuck, PM me, I might be able to get one of my friends over in the UK to reship it to me and then forward it to you. That'll probably be quadruple postage charges but if you're desperate
I think that I have more Austin A35 parts in my cellar than Brit Bits currently has for sale. Maybe I'll get in touch and see if they might keep a look out for me though.
A shame about Brits having problem when selling to the States, I sell to folks over there all of the time without problems, just never ever found anyone who might reciprocate.
Just have to keep on looking I guess. Worse come to worse, I could cut one out of a sheet of aluminum and polish it up a bit. Maybe shape one out of aluminum tubing, carefully flatten it out, and cut away the back area. That way it would have "turned edges." Not stock looking for sure, but better that nothing there at all . . .