For others' consideration...
Teh Seller said:
also before some people get all up in a KNOT about the (MIII sport package) BMW did this in 1998 after 1998 they just called it the SPORT, however this is not the standard 318 ti... this does have what is called the MIII Sport package witch means its got the Sport Suspension... Sport trim, leather, Ground effects... This is not a M3, witch is something entirely different... this is why BMW got rid of the OPTIONAL MIII package to remove all confusion with BMW M3 stuff witch is HIGH END ( whole nother beast)
CL Ad is here

Glad you're so far away. Too tempting. My driveway is overflowing.
It's a rust bucket. Dude wouldn't even let me jack it up to get a look underneath.
You know you've found someone who knows nothing about BMWs then they see an eBay M badge and think the car is a "MIII package."
In the real world that is just a 1998 318ti M-Sport.
In reply to AngryCorvair:
That was my first concern. Locost donor?
IDK, when seller told me he didn't have time to be part of my used car education process, I never went to see it.
AngryCorvair wrote:
IDK, when seller told me he didn't have time to be part of my used car education process, I never went to see it.
Exsqueeze me? Education process?
I figured "driven in winters, not garage kept" was Craigslist-ese for rusty.
In reply to paranoid_android74:
I always play dumb to see what kind of E36 M3 someone will try to tell me. I asked if I could jack it up and he said "I've never been under it but I guarantee it's rusty. Don't waste my time or yours."
I replied that I'm relatively new to the area and didn't consider it wasting my time to learn what a $2000 ti looks like in MI. He replied with "then don't waste my time. I'm not here to educate you." Or something almost exactly word for word.
New Reader
3/3/17 2:57 p.m.
If you want a somewhat rusty 318ti, I recommend this one: A little out of challenge range though.
New Reader
3/4/17 5:21 a.m.
MIII Sport package witch I guess if you are on a Ti Witch Hunt this is perfect.