This is my nephew's spare car and is located in northern Delaware just a few minutes south of Philadelphia.
2001 Toyota Avalon. 120,000 miles, runs and drives with no real issues. Timing belt done at 100k. Appears to need a MAF sensor which is <$70 from Rock Auto. You can see the damaged door skin in this picture, and it looks like it could maybe use a window regulator on the LR, not sure what's up there. I have not seen it in person but I can go and check it out if anybody is interested. I'll see if I can get him to take some more pics.
It is surplus to requirements, but my nephew hadn't really gotten around to selling it when a friend suddenly needed emergency low-budget transport and he offered it up. That person went another direction (without seeing this car in person) but now that the idea has been planted, he's ready to move it on.
$1200 OBRO. Canoe not included AFAIK.