6/10/17 7:57 a.m.
Seen on the Saabnet classifieds:
1974 Sonett III, complete and restorable, FREE to good home. Ran when I put it away 15 years ago. Hire a flatbed and it's yours, but MUST be removed from my home in Waltham MA by June 15.

I'm assuming the pic is an old one.
In reply to XLR99:
I bet that isn't even his car.
6/10/17 8:10 a.m.
This one slipped under my radar. I get email alerts from Saabnet whenever some posts in the Sonett section. He must have posted it in the free section.
Waltham MA is even doable drive for me but I just can't get there this weekend and it will probably be gone by Tuesday. 
Surely this is already gone....
6/10/17 8:53 p.m.
There's a free Saab 9000S five speed listed right below that Sonett ad.
Looks just like the one I had. Team Evil is calling the guy as I type this. If its not gone already, I'll go get it for him.
Just called, no pick-up. Maybe it's gone, maybe he's fed up with answering the phone, maybe he's still at church or out mowing his lawn. Isn't that pretty much the same thing though?
Left an email touting the little car and stressing my love for them. Even mentioned the one that Todd stole and then sold to his big fat friend rather than offering it to me. Never understand that move . . .
Been looking everywhere for one of these, this one's as close as can be. Reluctant not to offer him some money for it. Wondering what the paperwork looks like, that's the deal breaker here in Massachusetts. Without paperwork, it really IS a lawn ornament, and then the town comes down on you for having an unregistered car out on the lawn.
Can't win here in Massafornia . . . taxed if you do, taxed if you don't. Bend over and take the tax, they'll be gentle.
6/11/17 2:08 p.m.
Hopefully it works out!
I tried to get my dad to drag it home since he lives in central MA, but 'he's too busy'. (Not sure what retired people do that they don't have time to look at cool old cars?) .
I do remember seeing one last fall on our way into Collings Foundation in Stow. It was sitting out and buried in pine needles, so probably the frame is shot. Looking at the map, I think it was on Hunter Av on the south side of Lake Boon, if you live in Central MA.
Also, friend of my mom has at least one driveable Sonett somewhere out by Fitchburg (?). I can put out feelers and see what they actually have.
"Not sure what retired people do that they don't have time to look at cool old cars?"
Investigate the inside of their ass holes lookin' for polyps mostly . . .
In reply to TeamEvil:
O K that was funny, I may Resemble that remark enough that it Isn't though.So be Nice.
In reply to TeamEvil:
I am highly offended. I am getting scoped again this year. Front and rear.
"O K that was funny, I may Resemble that remark enough that it Isn't though.So be Nice."
Oh, I didn't mean you; I meant all of those OTHER old men with their fingers up their ass . . .
TeamEvil wrote:
"O K that was funny, I may Resemble that remark enough that it Isn't though.So be Nice."
Oh, I didn't mean you; I meant all of those OTHER old men with their fingers up their ass . . .
No problemo. If either of my doctors would let a nurse dress up as Catwoman, I would let them do it without sedation.
I hope this is legit and one of you guys snatch it up.
Due date for it leaving OP's home........
I hope somebody picked it up and gave it a good place to go!