Well, since I was just met with another positive surprise and now have to wait for UPS, might as well do a picture dump. I actually didn't take a pic of this surprise, oops, but there are already 350 watt Pioneer "custom fit for ford or mazda" speakers in all the doors. So before I go swapping the 150 watt kenwoods from the vic, I might as well see how they sound with a real stereo. Hence the waiting for UPS.
The amber bulb under the ring on the right is the bulb that is burned out. Still, in the dark, these look pretty cool.
This ^^ is the only bad spot on the whole truck. Bottom of the passenger suicide door. Seems to be a common area, but there's lots of rangers. If it becomes an inspection problem I'm sure I can find another door cheap, but I suspect I'll be rid of the truck before it's an inspection worthy problem.
Twin sticks because real truck. That 3 wire molex connector has a giant pint on the other side of the shifters. I'm thinking there was a CB at one point, but I did find a cover plate for an old Fosgate Punch bass controller, so maybe it was a small amp.
Missing the passenger jump seat. Oh well, no one will ride back there anyway, even my daughters car seat will go in the front seat like the miata, airbag off of course. I do want to put together a toolbox for this though, and it's the perfect size place to keep one. Maybe a sub too...
driver side
[assenger side.
^^Passenger side leaf shackles.
Drivers side, pointing forward. Couldn't get a good angle on the back, but as you can see, CLEAN.
And I did manage to figure out the cover. I'm happy to see it's the fold up kind, but it can also come completely off very quickly if I need it to, and not take up a lot of space. I'm also happy to see the bed rails look good, I didn't get to check them out prepurchase.
Overall, I'm very happy, and mildly concerned with everything so far. I'm concerned because of how nice it looks, I feel like it's hiding something, but I always was a pessimist. I need to adjust my driving style a bit though, I stalled like 4 times today at stop signs because I wasn't giving it enough gas to go in first. It's much bigger and heavier than the miata, and I need to get used to that.
I plugged torq in as well just to have. I changed phones since I used it last, forgot how much setup work I had into it before and need to do again.
I also got up and jumped in the bed. It went down, up, down up. I was standing in between the 2 wheel humps when I did it. I noticed it dipped more towards the cab on the drivers side. The rear shocks don't look great, and are cheap enough I'll probably just replace them in the spring, but they also don't require immediate attention.
If you see anything in any of the pictures I should be concerned with, please circle it and post it up again, or if there are pictures of anything specific that should be looked over or focused on, let me know, and I'll do my best to get them.