We removed 11 inches from the nose. Used the Shinoda front end and will mold it all in one peice. 7 inches off the back with the Shinoda(Duck)tail. Hard to see photos of new firewall, engine can be set back 13 inches. Currently cleaning all allumnium, Shining,polishing chassy parts.
Tell me what ya think or ideas. Still got a sawsaw.

12/22/15 7:33 p.m.
That used to be a c4, right?
12/22/15 7:34 p.m.
You have my attention! Holy E36 M3! I take it you are doing this for a set of rules to go racing? Or does this fall into the 'why the hell not' reasoning?
1st.yeah 2nd.RUELS We don need no stinking ruel.(there is one think2016) 3,yeah
oop's that is a dash from a c-2 and the Gauges were donated by my friend Brad after he blew a tire and Totaled his 72 c3 :
A couple of ya'll were curious about the "look". Speak now or forever see it my way, I think this is close to finished shape. ALSO I WANT; would like, a dana 44 center section.
The look's not bad but obviously you're going to have to cut into the hood some more to give the tires room when turning. Are you going to put bodywork over the tires when you're done?
New Reader
12/24/15 12:37 p.m.
Can't wait to see where this goes.
In these pics the tires are 3" up in travel, the Straight edge is about road height,and the crossmember is 2.5 inches from ground. covers over the tires Would be nice, got some? pav5069.. you know kevin Mckinny's music, I'm Going Straight to Hell... jus like my momma said. BUT REALLY NOW....I Love Life And All The Fools Aboard this Ship. AS Babba Ram Das Said," Don't Worry Be Happy ". and Happy Holiday's to all.
I really have no idea what's going on here, but I like it a lot.
Well Then, Me Neather. Shooting for 2016 challenge. there is a previous post, 6mo. or so back titled the same.
Is that a Storm nose on a C4?
I am confused, but also aroused - automotively speaking, of course.
I like where this is goin'.
In reply to Flight Service: The car came with a complete LARRY SHINODA designed body kit, Front sides and rear. This kit was installed at Rick Mears to my knowledge.previous owner side swipped somthing on the driver side,the kit looks kinda Bulky(fat)to me so may not use the side panels. jeepers mister I wouldn't cut up a Geo.
GTXVette wrote:
In reply to Flight Service: jeepers mister I wouldn't cut up a Geo.
Now that right there is funny!
I think it looks great. Leave the tires exposed, or don't, still Boss.
In reply to wheelsmithy:
I do like the exposed look,wasn't planning any legnthy trips in the Rain but we know how that goes,as I am Planning to drive it to Gainsville(2016) from Ball Ground. Slow going project I have met a few local GRMer's but they have projects of there own so still a one man Band.
Score...... A mostly complete c-4 poly bushing kit 20.00 missing sway bar and rearend wing bushings. I'ma so Happy! was going to polish some more of the Aluminum rear parts(the stuff is so soft you can polish it with a rag.)(Kinda)I'll paint the difficult parts and get it on the ground. Much to do.
12/28/15 7:33 a.m.
wheelsmithy wrote:
GTXVette wrote:
In reply to Flight Service: jeepers mister I wouldn't cut up a Geo.
Now that right there is funny!
I think it looks great. Leave the tires exposed, or don't, still Boss.
This is the definition of grm. Cuts up a shinoda c4. Wont cut up a geo storm.
In reply to mndsm: Thanks man, 64 years old and finally a clique I fit.sold a tranny to the man that Owns American V-8 in Alpharetta, at the Swap meet a couple weeks back. he asked his Painter to stop by to get the tq. converter, Dude is a great Guy and has painted 2, TWO,dig it, cars that have won the Riddler Show.I bring it up because he not only Gave me Paint,He also offered to Spray it if it ever get's finished.Hugger Orange (at least it isn't a camaro).Guess I had better get started on some Bondo dust Mountains.
12/29/15 7:54 a.m.
I feel like I just walked into the ladies' restroom on accident... "woah, excuse me, this isn't where I parked my car, hey how come you have a starbucks in here?"
Ian F
1/4/16 3:41 p.m.
Enyar wrote:
I feel like I just walked into the ladies' restroom on accident... "woah, excuse me, this isn't where I parked my car, hey how come you have a starbucks in here?"
I'm sure this was meant as a great compliment.