Brought home a little something for the Tunakid today.

That's right, I broke down and called a powdercoater. They quoted $100, $35 to coat and $65 to strip. Then I dropped it off, and the guy said it was going to be $30 to coat, then I picked it up and the total was $90 - whatever. Weirdo guys took a week and a half longer than they said, too. Anyway, the quality is great,a nd the pictures do not do it justice.
It was late when we got out there. His bedtime is usually 8:30-9:00, and his brother Tunakid #2 did not cooperate going to bed and I had to give Tunakid #4 a bath.
Here is what we did. A lot of it is me, and don't let that fool you, he did the most work, he just takes a lot of pictures.
I had him knock the races back in for the fork, I just set them in place and held the frame - here I am doing just that.

Action shot!

Notice the little hammer. It's his. It was mine when I was a mere lad.

He did this all himself.

Nice job, eh?
Admittedly, I did a lot of the crank myself. It's a bit harder with the left threads and the spanner nut (especially as I do not own a spanner)

No pedals, set just sitting there, no chain, no grips... but look at his face!

He was so excited, he was talking to himself walking inside.
The balance off the bike is shipping here via Amazon, and we'll have it done by the weekend for the Swamp Rabbit trail - very cool.
Now the best part. My Dad didn't do this stuff with me at this age. It wasn't until I was a late teen that he did anything really garage-y, and he was pissed most of the time.
I told him I didn't get to do this with my Dad when I was his age.
He said "well I love that I am doing it with you!"
and then I got the biggest hug I've had yet. What a great night.