Now that I know where the taillights are going, it's time to make the mounts. As these are 'glass fenders, and I am 1,000% better with epoxy and glass than I am with metal it just makes sense to build them out of materials I know.
First step was to build up some rough plinths to take the flat backs of the lights and mounth them to the curved surface of the fender. Balsa works very well for this. It is cheap, it is easy to cut, easy to sand, and being a hardwood, stable enough for what I need it to do.
First one is drawn out to be slightly bigger than the rubber gasket. The next will be slightly bigger still and the next two layers will be smaller in length, but still bigger around to make a nice flared mount.

Two of the layers are only quarter size due to the curvature of the fender. no need to make myself sand more material away than I have to.
Next step was gluing them together. For this I used my favourite medium.. epoxy. I did not need to thicken it, just spread it on raw and slightly dry as all it needs to do at this point is hold everything together.

I know they look a little rough, but filling, sanding, and applications of 'glass and epoxy will take care of that.
While these are busy drying and hardening, I roughed up the turn signal mounts. As these are amber "beehive" models like the MGA and Bugeye Sprite would use, I needed round mounts. Thankfully I had a cardboard tube almost the right diameter.

A little epoxy and some balsa later, and I have them capped off.

That's probably it for a couple of days. I have 36 hours to work in next three days, so I doubt I will have much time to do much with these. Hopefully I can get back to them later in the week for some filling and sanding.