Just sniffing around the internet, found some International Travelall's. Some were 2WD some were 4WD. Going for $4000 up. Maybe a motor/trans swap? Possibly chassis to cab? Don't know enough about it, but I wish I still had my 77 Scout II. 345 engine, automatic. Torque monster, went through everything including my wallet. Now they go for stupid money.
By the way, love your write-ups, and your devotion to family.
In reply to Wall-e :
Knowing a certain magazine that puts on some sort of ultimate track event thingy, I think the first bit of this video is especially relevant. 
In reply to Dirtydog :
The Travelall is epic and I love them. They're all light truck stuff, so the axles wouldn't work, but the driveline would. I'd hate to part one out. They used the 345 for a loooooong time. There are a million of them sitting in school busses and dump trucks. Finding an 80's vintage gas International school bus, running or not, would be the ultimate easy button. I think I'll try and get this engine running. It's a fairly small money commitment all things considered and should be fun. Thanks for reading along, I'm glad you're enjoying it.
In reply to mck1117 :
Hold onto that for now. I'm going to try and get this running on the carb and points that it came with. From there I have a lot of options if I want to learn ecu's. I can try and make a fuel injected 304, I can swap to a different engine, lots of stuff. It has occurred to me that at some point I'll be back to living someplace with a proper winter. I could conceivably swap drivetrains every year. I wonder when that would get old? There are a lot of interesting engines sitting in junk yards out there.
Is this the potential direction this build is going? Whoo baby.
It never ceases to amaze me how fast those things are on pavement!
Dirtydog said:
Is this the potential direction this build is going? Whoo baby.
The hardest part of doing something dumb on track (other than getting permission) is safe wheels/tires and brakes. I'd have to switch to modern disks and wheels before I felt safe. It's not absolutely going this direction, but it's impossible to stand next to the truck with with a cup of coffee and not at least consider it.
Sometimes the biggest things come from the smallest of seeds. Just look at Jack and the Beanstalk.
I just threw a tape measure on it, and track width is right about 7 1/2 feet. I won't know if the roof is lower than that until I get the motor back in and get weight on the springs, but I'm 99% certain I can get to an SCCA legal width/height ratio for autocross without too much work. 
So Ferdinand may go Ferris Wheel Racing?
Mazdeuce and Mrs. Mazdeuce,
Thanks for the shirt! There was a second collection at church for "Irma" victims that received an extra $20 contribution, due to your generous "pay it forward" approach to the shirts.
I was wearing it today when I met Chris and Sarah on there way home from St. Louis.

I had no idea diesel 2 strokes were a thing. What are the advantages versus 4 stroke?
9/24/17 12:55 p.m.
In reply to Crackers :
Nothing but the noise nowadays. Glorious noise! And having a spare 6-71 type supercharger if you ditch the engine.
In reply to Crackers : 2-Stroke diesels are a fair bit lighter than 4-strokes. The USMC uses a Supercharged v-6 Detroit in its Light Armored Vehicles because of the power and weight advantage. Every bit counts when you have 8 wheels and weigh 14 tons. It also sounds like the baddest weed-eater in the universe when you fire it up on a test stand.
Everyone needs to experience a 2-stroke diesel:
9/24/17 5:50 p.m.
In Reply to Trans Mario:
Love the noise of a two stroke diesel the blower wine and noise makes it sound like a million miles an hour at 40 or 50. Glorious
In reply to Indy-Guy :
Adorable kid, dog, and the Nonaks in one picture? The shirt is the least cool part of that whole situation.
I'm glad you like it and thanks for making the donation.
Two stroke diesels are awesome, and that is enough reason to run one. I'm putting one on the ever growing list of "engines I need to put in Ferdinand someday". It's getting to be a long and varied list.
Hey deuce, the kid making my sandwich at the local sandwich shop loves your shirt. He thought it was real cool, so I explained to him what it was all about and he was actually interested in the project. There's hope yet for our world! LOL!
New Reader
9/24/17 11:05 p.m.
Shirt got here, thanks a bunch, have paid it forward in the form of a check to the American Red Cross, dedicated to aid in Texas for Harvey victims.
NOW, you want cheap easily replaced HP.
Here's the plan, get 2 identical Chevy 350's of the Vortec (mid nineties) variety, cheap available everywhere and parts are dirt cheap.
Rebuild them to the 350hp/400ft.lb. torque area (also super easy) and chain them nose to tail with a double wide chain coupler. add a 6l80e trans to these, as it has not 1 but 2 O.D. ratios, thereby alleviating some of the super deep rear gearing. Oh, the sound, oh the fury, as four slightly muffled exhaust pipes announce your arrival.
Received the shirt and stickers as well. Thank you! Pay it forward donation going out tomorrow...
9/25/17 6:49 a.m.
java230 said:
In Reply to Trans Mario:
Love the noise of a two stroke diesel the blower wine and noise makes it sound like a million miles an hour at 40 or 50. Glorious
I loved the noise our buses made echoing off apartment buildings in the middle of the night. I don't know that the residents appreciated it as much.
9/25/17 7:16 a.m.
My shipment came this weekend also. My son wore his all weekend. Loves explaining the back story.
Thank you again!
In reply to Trans_Maro :
That was my suggestion - he said no.
New Reader
9/25/17 7:32 a.m.
Trans_Maro- That sound though!