In reply to bonylad :
Send me a PM with your address or send it to ttwo.elm at and I'll throw a handful in the mail to you.
That goes for everyone else too. No shirts for a while, but stickers are so cheap and easy to make those will always be available.
New Reader
9/29/17 7:49 a.m.
In reply to mazdeuce :
Thank you sir for your generosity! Messaged you and will post up!
I would go with the roller, and just roll over what you already painted.
You are using foam roller not a nap roller, right?

The foam definitely will give you the smoother finish.
We used one like this on our lemons car with thinned Rustoleum. Took many coats, but was pretty smooth when dry, and very durable.
I would try to thin it to get a smoother finish, but know that coverage won't be as good and may require 3-4 coats instead of 2.
In reply to mazdeuce :
Have you tried a foam "brush"? That's what I used to paint the engine compartment of my V8 944 and it came out pretty smooth.
I'm a fan of 1/4 synth nap for metal with a bit of extra thinner added in. You still get an eggshelly texture, but at for how I paint (thicker paint on roller, I can't press lightly, I don't know why) it comes out smoother, haven't done it in YEARS though, so my results may vary with modern equipment and paint. I always get a bumpier texture like you had when I use foam, probably because I press to hard and air coming back into the foam is pulling up paint.
The first paint I did was with a foam brush. I think the problem is with application, it's hard to put it on thin enough to prevent runs. It does flow very well. Experimentation is needed.
I was using a foam roller. The problem was (as noticed by Crackers) bubbles. The first couple of passes leave bubbles in the paint that mostly come out with repeated very light passes, but I'm wondering if using a fluffy roller will eliminate that will the trade-off of a different texture.
In reply to bonylad :
As far as payment goes, we have all been donating money or time to our favorite charities in the Deuce's (Mr and Mrs) honor. I am still just blown away by Mazdeuce's generosity. Darn good people.
9/29/17 1:29 p.m.
I wonder how many charities are wondering who Mr. Deuce is 
No real work today, I spent the day helping Mrs. Deuce move stuff. It was nice to spend the day with her and my reward was a 4' x 6' magnetic white board. I immediately used it to formalize the plan.

And then I picked through the box of vinyl that one of you sent me. You know who you are, and thank you. Time to get proficient with the new machinery.

New Reader
9/29/17 3:07 p.m.
In the spirit of "think twice, apply once" for decals..........I, of course, applied mine upside down. Doh! This is, however, entirely appropriate, as I cannot count the number of times I have wrenched once and then had to think (at least) twice about how to fix the results. Many thanks for the great shirt and I'll think twice before applying the second decal.

In reply to tgc328i :
That's why I always send at least two. 
If you need more just ask.
Earlier today I received an email asking for stickers. No, it was more that that, it was a really nice note from someone who has read this thread and a bunch of other ones that I've written. He's not a member here. He just opens up the forum, destroys his work productivity, and enjoys. His stickers are in the stack of mail waiting to go out in the morning.
My first inclination was to encourage him to make an account and say hi, but then I thought about all the other places online where I'm a ghost. I read Garage Journal threads, especially the Mid Century Moto Mecca thread, but I also keep up with others. I also consider myself part of the Dakar F5 firehose for two weeks in January on Adventure Rider, and I never miss a MotoGP thread in the racing forum. I've never joined either forum, but I still feel like I'm part of those communities.
And that leads me to thinking philosophically all afternoon about community. It's easy to hang out here and think that the people we see posting ARE the community, but that's too limiting. It's also the people that read along, either regularly or a bit here and there. The people that follow links to threads and articles. The guys changing oil in their driveway wondering how great the step is from that to building a Challenge car because they picked up the magazine at the book store.
If you're reading along, even if you don't join the forum, even if you don't get the magazine, drop me a note and I'll send you a couple of stickers. I don't want to start down the hyperbole road about the end of gearheads, but I think that even today the group of us that looks at cars as art and machinery and adventure both in what they are and what they can do, we stand a little apart.
It's not a Jeep thing or a motorcycle thing or a Ford thing or a Porsche thing, but it's those things inclusive. It's changing brake pads and fabricating throttle bodies. It's country roads on Sunday morning and trying to figure out the blind crest under the bridge at Road Atlanta on a track walk. It's finally getting to buy a beer for someone you've known for years but just met.
Thanks to all of you.
ttwo.elm at
In reply to mazdeuce :
Thats exactly how i feel. You really have a gift.
Thank you for giving voice to things that many feel, but can't express.
Mazdeuce, you truly have a gift. In the spirit of paying forward your generosity, I've taken the opportunity to teach my nephew a thing or two. He rides back and forth to college on his bicycle, and he is taking welding classes. He's 19 years old, and he's also Autistic. Today, he learned how to change a flat tire on his bike, since he had a flat that needed fixed, and I taught him how to maintain his brakes and chain. He may not ever be a John Force or a Mickey Thompson, but I enjoy helping when I can.
New Reader
9/30/17 5:46 a.m.
Mazdeuce, I'm almost a ghost here, only posting twice now, and each time simply to thank you for your threads, thoughts and considered approach (to just about everything so far as I can see). There seems to me to be massive differences between the US and UK automotive enthusiast "scene" (judging by the number of custom, interesting older and adapted vehicles seen on a three week, 2,800 mile road trip this summer out of and returning to LA, compared to what's seen in any period here) but forums such as this do create a type of community, regardless of dissimilarities, distance and frequency of posting (or not). Thanks for the link to the Garage Journal - new to me but no doubt will become a regular read!
New Reader
9/30/17 7:03 a.m.
Preach! I have followed this forum for years, picked up several issues off the newsstand, recently made an account - but rarely post. I did so in this thread as especially Mr. Duece here inspires me to do jobs I am not comfortable doing in the spirit of "if this guy can do this in a garage....I can do it in my driveway!" Will look into donating to a charity per advisement. Thank you for the insightful reads, inspirational words (your community post is dead on right IMO), and ongoing nuttery. God bless and keep up the great works!
9/30/17 11:00 a.m.
mazdeuce said:
Now that it's somewhere humid you can almost hear the dormant South Dakota rust blooming due to the East Texas humidity.
Must have been a Minnesota truck originally. You can always tell when something came from that side of the border .... no rocker panels or wheel wells left. Those 10,000 lakes must be where they dug out all the salt they used on the roads.
*looks at box of vinyl* not to be greedy / sound unappreciative, but if you ever make a batch of black or CF TTWO stickers, I'd welcome at least one more to the collection ;)
9/30/17 6:31 p.m.
Thank you! - Donation made. - ugh I gotta fix that bumper
Your plan looks alot like my plan for everything, you just seem to actually work on it!
LSxDreamer said:
*looks at box of vinyl* not to be greedy / sound unappreciative, but if you ever make a batch of black or CF TTWO stickers, I'd welcome at least one more to the collection ;)
Send me an email, I know a guy. 
And anyone else who wants one in a different color that I might have laying around, same goes, just send me an email and I'll see what I can do.

The above picture is what I've been staring at for a couple of days. I'm "working" on other things, but I'm really procrastinating. I'm out here drinking coffee and I know I'm not happy with it. It's not that it's bad, or even unacceptable for what it is, but it's somehow not matching my vague vision of what I thought it could be. If I keep going then it will end up painted and I'll be sort of unhappy with it. If I stop then it joins the ranks of stalled projects. It's been said around here that "perfect is the enemy of good enough", but it's a hell of a lot harder to live that than say it.
Are you cleaning off that phosphoric acid crust before applying paint?
I can see you still have unprepared sections, but it kinda looks like you're painting over it. IME, it doesn't play well with others and can screw up how the paint flows and levels. I'd probably go after it with some steel wool and water then rinse and hand dry before applying more paint.
New Reader
10/1/17 2:56 p.m.
Mazdeuce, thanks for letting me come and check out the project today. The name Ferdinand reminds me of this YouTube masterpiece of yesteryear:
You ever meet someone and within about 10 minutes you know you're going to be friends? I'm pretty sure Slammo and I are going to be friends. We've already got shenanigans planned.
After staring at the frame for a while, I mowed some of the lawn. Then I stared at it more and decided to wire brush the panels that serve as wheel housings and their supporting brackets and such.

I even fired up the bench grinder wire wheel and brushed off the heads of the flange bolts that hold the wheelhousings on.

And threw them in a jar with rust dissolver. They remind me of a victorian era specimen bottle.

This is about when Mrs. Deuce decided watching football took precedence over me operating power tools and she stole the extension cord to plug in the antenna booster that is needed to get the over the air channel that has football. I looked at the frame some more and decided I should paint the underside of the cab. I previously treated the little bit of rust that was peeking around the edges. This paint won't last forever, but it should hold things at bay for a while. Because most of the surfaces are rough with spot welds or sound deadening already, it actually looks ok. Kind of sucks painting something this big on the bottom, but I like how it looks, so I'll call it a win.

I went to my dad's to turn wrenches over the weekend, and got inspired. Having not worked on the little feller much, we started with this:

And then decided that the stubby guy needed to do a Ferdinand impression.

Now, there was some difficulty in doing this, since the torsion assist on the cab is broken, and we've never gotten the cab up before.

Everyone should have a tow truck around, It makes things simple, sometimes. I'll be sending you an email soon, I've got some questions that you may be able to answer, since you're a LOT farther ahead of me.