< Catchup post >
Going back a bit, I left the country around mid-september to fly in to San Antonio to get the family.
Before I left, my rubber exhaust mounts broke:

I saw this car on the way to work:

I wasn't so worried that this can of Medames was "foul" but the fact that they were "extra grade foul" was too much for me:

The Quarter Pounder with cheese may be a "Royale with Cheese" in France, but here it's still a "Quarter Pounder"

Once in Texas we sold our beloved Saab 9-3 Aero to fellow forum member (and all around good guy) to M4ff3w

We also got to visit "Mela" and in true Alfa fashion she wouldnt stay running for more than two seconds. We troubleshot this down to an alternator fan that ate some wiring but did not repair

Back in Kuwait we began doing family things with the kids, like exploring parks :) This one is known as Pirate Park because of the pirate ship in the background. Pictured is the Dread Pirate Alex. There's also a LandRover Defender toy in this park (not pictured)

Saw these cars when I took a wrong turn:

This "Deer" is "Delux"

Candy bar shakes, some with protein...?

Pizza crust in explosive containers...

My favorite car mod these days:

First day of Pre-School! (we had to put the oldest in a pre-school to begin with because the big-kid schools wouldnt register a new student until he was in the country)

And then the e-brake cable slipped apart at that cable clamp I pictured all those days back. I drove around with a brick for about 3 weeks until I could get under to fix it (I also couldnt put the car in park because of the aforementioned shifter bushing being missing. the parking pin wouldnt reliably engage)

This guy is trying...

I should probably replace these:

They keep calling the robot that. I do not think it means what they think it means.

During big-kid school registration a car "meowed" at us. I reached under and pulled out our new kitten. We had to bottle feed her for the first week (even though she had teeth), she started eating from there (the eldest named her "Meowthra", it fits)

The brake pedal was feeling really inconsistent so I thought I had air in the lines. The eldest helped me with a brake bleed (refilled with DOT4):

There was sand in the reservoir

Moewthra didnt need her feeding syringes anymore, so I borrowed one to clean it out:

I figured out how the sand got in:

re-clamping the e-brake

New shifter bushing in! (now I don't have to overtravel the gear selection to get the car to shift where I want it to)

The kid did some work on his car:

Then Zsolt joined in the festivities

The kid gets all the girls...
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The car needed its annual inspection. It failed for rear window tint being too dark (I call BS) and a tail light being out (loose connection). I removed the tint and fixed the light in the parking lot. It passed 10-minutes later:

new pink slip!

I saw this at work:

If the "Jeep guy" was trying, then this guy is REALLY trying...

Static wicks for your car??? How fast is your car, and how much EMI could you possibly be experiencing as a result???

While getting my rear window re-tinted (30% this time), this guy was having his tint removed. From his FRONT windshield! 

The brakes were still inconsistant and starting to make bad noises so we went in for an inspection (remember a while back I said there was a caliper that had "stuck piston" written all over it? wellllll.......)

For this I ordered a new caliper, two caliper rebuild kits, a new set of Bosch Blue rear brake pads, and new rotors. To curb the current issue I installed my spare set of pads to hold it over until the parts get here.
Ever wonder what danger mouse looks like in arabic?

I'll be honest, I bought this only for the "rubber solution". How could I possibly pass up a thumbs up like that?

Dale drives a ferrari?

The kid has really taken to the cat (and the cat has really taken to the kid)

Picking up the eldest from his first day at big kid school

Saw this when I took a wrong turn through the school's neighborhood

meanwhile in my neighborhood:

Well, this would definitely make my next breakdown much more enjoyable! (did not buy, sorry)

the park outside our favorite souk:

The food inside the souk:

Chocolate milk and hot chocolate. The kids get so much attention here they're starting to think they're celebrities

The security guard was kind of suspicious after this photo.

The kid's first Kuwaiti haircut:

Sorry for the blurry shot. This is Mrs.Hungary's new car. It's a 2006 E350 wagon, and probably the only station wagon I've seen in the country in the 6 or so months I've been here (so of course she sees one the first time we go out looking).

Our goods after our container was physically inspected twice... (Long story, that one. In the end we're just happy to be done with it)

Oh yeah, potty training. The youngest has taken it upon himself to be a car enthusiast. He will not go without his "auto"

More family stuff. This is before our container made it from its inspection point at the port and to our house. Mrs. Hungary is helping the eldest Hungarling with his math while the youngest.... Well... He's the youngest.

New cat getting cozy with the old cat (we have three cats and three dogs now)

Wu-Tang Crown Vic (see license plate)

Our movers did an excellent job of packing our stuff in a way that would ensure nothing would be damaged. The inspectors? Not so much...

Our beloved cheese grater suffered the most damage. All in all it wasn't as bad as we thought it would be. Aside from a few dings 99% of our stuff made it through ok

That dent wasn't there when we left, but it popped right back out :) The youngest Hungarling wouldnt leave that car for a week straight. He even took his afternoon meals/snacks in it

Trunk or Treat. The eldest is a Ninja but he forgot his mask. He swears ninjas wear rain boots. The youngest is a lumberjack (and he's ok)

Our house, post delivery. New cheese grater pictured (bottom) Our movers put all our hardware in one box so it was over a week before we could put together any sort of shelving, tables, beds, ets :P Most of that still isn't put together yet :)

Moving sucks, but the boxes are fun

I sent Mrs. Hungary off to a local resort to relax for a weekend after spending all summer taking care of the boys, driving across the country, and moving across the ocean. This was our friday night. Lasagna, toys, and a movie

And that brings us up to present day!
Along the way I bought a few parts (CV boot repair kits, the brake stuff already mentioned, front swaybar bushings, and so on) but it'll probably be a bit before I can get to installing them. Mrs. Hungary's car needs new dampers, an alignment, an oil change, and possibly new tires. Her power steering pump is also making intermittent noises so we'll see there as well... I also took a promotion from the lowest mechanic position in the office, to my very own desk as a Field Services Engineer (shameless bragging there). I can now say I'm an Electrical Engineer :)
So yeah,
< / Catchup post >
and I'll do my best to keep updated from here.
Cheers guys, and sorry it took me so long.