Things have been going waaaaaay to smooth lately. How about I mix things up with "Wheel caps" (A story with pictures).
I'm missing a wheel cap. It looks like this:

I've tried a few options as far as replacements go, but they usually end up arriving like this:

To which Mrs. Hungary replies with one of the following responses:
- 1) "Tell me you didn't pay money for those"
- 2) "Please tell me that's not going on your Alfa"
Realizing I'm completely inept at helping myself I post a thread on Alfabb with the following picture

I explain the dimensions (56mm end to end, badge is 52mm) get a few leads, before someone says "I have one. $10 + shipping and it's yours"
I pay and get two badges in the mail
The first looks like this:

Close, says I, but no cigar.
The second looks like this:

(also in the picture are one of my wheel caps with the "too small" wheel cap)
but the back of it looks like this:

hmmmmm. says I.
I guess I can RTV the correct sized cap in place but it's got the wrong decal.
And then it hits me! This guy wants me to take the right decal and put it on the right sized cap (I can be slow at times)
So I do.
Unfortunately when I do, it looks like this:

If you count the few junk caps I tried to make work, the cap I bought from centerline that wasn't a cap at all, and this latest effort I'm into this ONE wheel cap for almost $80 and still don't have a solution... 
Alfa: 4, Bill: 0 on this one.
Good times