So real deal question here:
If I'm not going to take the passenger rear quarter panel down to bare metal, should I just scuff the already SUPER thick paint and paint over it, or would it be worth it to try to evenly chew through a few layers with that 40-grit on the DA and work my way down in grit from there?
Thanks everyone!
I can make a mid-week day work... we probably wouldn't get the GRM hoard to show up though. I'm pretty sure there was at least 15 people already signed up. 
Regarding your passenger side fender, I'd expect to see a similar fender lip replacement to what you've seen on the driver side. If you want to save some work there, start with sanding it down just to thin the filler a little. Maybe just with the intent of smoothing it all out.
Are you kidding? I bet any GRMer would JUMP at a chance to call in sick to go work on a car there's no chance of saving 
I was thinking along the same lines (rear quarter panel patch), so yeah I'll just thin it out, smooth it out, and primer over it. It's going to forever drive me nuts but maybe I can touch things up in that area the next time I paint this beast.
Right now I'm chuckling at the idea of putting the car on scales and finding out the back passenger corner is +50lbs 
I got home from work last night and had an hour before anyone else was going to walk int the door, so I snuck out to the garage and finished off that rear quarter panel.

I also did some touching up around the driver's door handle and around the rear hatch glass. With this wire whip worn in the way it is, I seem to be able to get a LOT closer to things without damaging them.

I need to start thinking of ways to get even closer. I originally thought aircraft paint remover and then I'd use masking tape to try to protect the rubber, but that stuff seems to eat EVERYTHING (including my gloves) so I don't think painters tape is going to do me much good. I'm kind of considering using razor blades in a gasket removal type of handle and trying to scrape my way into the end zone. We'll see.
This morning I went to town on the front fender. Done and done on that one, and I even had a little time to eat some stuff off the door. 

I'm feeling kind of bad because I slept in about 30 minutes later than I usually do (so 3:45am instead of 3:15) I probably could have had the initial scrubbing on that door done and then some.
After that I'll skip over the passenger rear quarter panel and focus my attention on the cowl panel and the front grill/air dam. The hood will just get sanded (being from another car, it doesn't have 16-tons of filler on it) and while I have the sander out I'll thin out the layers on that rear quarter panel with 40-grit and work my way to something smooth enough to prime.
In all I expect to be hand sanding early next week. If I'm clever with how I time things I may even be able to lay some bondo in some areas to try to make the best use of time.
Getting clooooooooser 
Good times
(T-26 days)
Also. Wear gloves 

I've had a million of these wires bounce of my clothing, ppe, and face. This one got lucky and made it right through the rubber finger guards on my cheap-o mechanic gloves and right into my middle finger 
Good times
Slow day at work, and I didn't bring anything from the project to work on 
When in doubt, watch youtube~!
3:30: "A Porsche like transaxle"? No sir, the Porsche has an Alfa like transaxle 
4:14: "to add insult, the windows don't go all the way down". Huh! So it wasn't my regulator's fault, it was ALFA's fault! 
Good times
2/3/17 5:02 p.m.
Man you make quick progress!
Only at the last minute am I ever this productive 
Still Friday, I caught another hour after work and went to town on that door some more:

Saturday (T-25 days) I slept in and didn't make it out to the garage 
BUT! I got some aluminum to make the hose attachment bungs I needed for that coolant tank in the mail, so I called that "progress" and went back to bed satisfied with my day's work 
(blame the move, it's a killer)

Sunday (T-24 days):
Up early again. Here's the morning's progress.

I'm just about done with the wire wheel, and I'm just about bored to tears with it too. After this, that rocker panel needs some attention, the front air dam/grille still needs to be hit, and the lower end of that rear quarter panel needs a wack too (it looks like someone painted over unsanded bondo).
Also, I dusted myself off on the porch before going in the house and left a neat little mess.

Good times.
Nice work.
There is no way I'd be able to make it out of bed at that hour to sand off paint, I'd wear the snooze button out. Bed vs body work, bed wins every time.
Monday (T-23 days)
Tough time getting out of bed this morning, but somehow I managed. It's been getting warmer here, and I thought for SURE I'd be able to do some spraying soon. And then this went happened:

Ah well, time to finish the grinding. Started with the rocker panel, then the grille/air dam, then that area on the cowl panel where the bondo broke away

There are a few small cracks in the paint around that windshield wiper mount but after everything I've seen on this car, I'm a bit afraid to go at it with the whip. Knowing my luck that thing is probably completely constructed from poor tack welds, bondo, and JB weld and I'd never get it re-shaped in time. So yeah, I'm just going to have to make do there.
On a brighter note, that should be about it for the wire whip! Now it's on to phase 2: Grind down high spots (welds, mostly), chip the paint away near the seals, fill holes with kitty hair, fill damage with bondo, blend accordingly, and then a good prep sand. I will give myself until T-10 days to do this. Then I start masking/cleaning come hell or high water.
getting closer 
Good times
Another view of the Hungary House:

Run_Away wrote:
Nice work.
There is no way I'd be able to make it out of bed at that hour to sand off paint, I'd wear the snooze button out. Bed vs body work, bed wins every time.
oh man, especially when I have a few beers at night (read: why I didn't get off my butt on Saturday).
I wanted to knock a few back on Sunday too but had to tell myself "you know you're just going to sleep in again. 3-years from now would you rather have a beer tonight or the car in the garage?"
Thank god for strong coffee 
I'm behind on my posts...
Monday night I came home to this!

Thanks again FooBag, I promise to put it to good use (The youngest Hungarling approves as well).
Tuesday (T-22 days... Actually since it's "paint", and not "drop dead time" it should be "P-22 days".) was just a cleaning day. It aint glorious but it does have to get done.

There was more than just a few dustpans of paint removed from the garage. After that I hit it with the air compresor, and there's STILL a ton of dust. I might have to make cleaning an every other day occurrence or something 
Good times
I'd say I got my money's worth from that wire whip, I tell you what 

Yeah I think you can be happy to retire that whip. Damn.
Theres still some life left in that. 
Yeah, there's still a little nubbin for some rubbin if needed. I think I'll keep it around a while in case I missed a spot.
I made some good progress with some hammers and kitty hair this morning but didn't get all the photos I wanted for the thread so I'll just have to come to terms with being a day behind on my log. Instead I thought this would be a good time for a tour of the car. It'll take me a couple of posts, but I thought a quick re-cap of the body work was in order (mostly because I once fixed up an RX-7 and all I have is one lousy photo of the finished product. I'd like to NOT do that again
Here goes:
Tour of the Alfa
Starting with the Driver's side front fender:

Two welds in that last photo. One where the pillar meets the fender, and one where a repair was performed.