Also in that batch I did something I've been planning for a while. Years ago I cut down my dashboard to a smaller size to make a floating dash that still calls back to the classic late 944 dashboard shape. You've seen that in past pictures on this thread.

Last year I bought some cheap fake suede from the local fabric store. I have no idea what brand, but it's cheap cheap cheap. It feels cheap. It looks cheap. All around, I worked with what I had.
I took pictures of me sewing the fabric. I took pictures of me stretching said fabric onto the dash. When I started to glue it down, I wasn't happy with the way it was going. And my phone reset and I lost all those pictures.
Well, one of the features was always going to be the 944 Special Edition medallion that came with this "Celebration Edition" 1988 944. It was still in the car when I got it, haphazardly glued to the dashboard above the glove box (normally it lives inside the glove compartment). I always intended to mount that in the extra blank space to the right of the instrument panel opening.
Today, I got the dash, the medallion, scissors, and more 3M Fabric Adhesive and focused on finishing the job, despite the wrinkles and unfavorable results from last year's lost cause.
First, I needed a way to blind-mount the medallion securely.

A piece of aluminum and a couple riv-nuts!

Here you can see I countersunk the rivnuts so they'd be flush, and I thought ahead and taped off the holes so the threads wouldn't be filled with epoxy! I then epoxied them together.
Smarter than the average bear, Boo Boo!

I had cut out some relief in the dash, but perhaps not enough. I wanted more of a cushion button look, sort of sunk in to upholstery. If I had used any batting at all, I might have gotten that effect. The location of the seams is another issue I wasn't all that pleased with. But, after doing all the tucking and trimming and gluing, I think it came out presentable. Certainly for a race car. I'll try to get it all together in the car this weekend.

That'll do, I guess. It's done, anyway.