wanna sell the APEXI SAFC?
I got a 97 mirage MPG eco modder id love to plop that on to tweek my cruise A/F ratio.
I have been playing with it by adjusting by blocking air flow into the MAF/MAP. but that is detrimental to the idle. and blocking air flow cant help MPH.
\justin.credit at the yahoo email com
In reply to masterjr33:
I'm firmly on the maybe for that. I need to paw through the menus and see what sort of correction it was applying. I don't want to lean the car out and have it go all explodey on me.
I'm back. I convinced the Apexi thing to stop being a little bitch. The MAP signal was flat for some reason. I went through all the menus and reset the sensors and it started reading and now the car is happy. I present to you this graph. It's the high throttle correction factors.
3000 -4%
3500 -3%
4000 -2%
4500 +2%
5000 +3%
5500 +4%
6000 +7%
Everything below 3k is -4% and everything above 6k is +7%. The low throttle corrections are just a couple of percent.
I have a couple of theory questions about all this. The previous owner has a stack of about 20 dyno sheets so I suspect that this has been tuned this way for some particular reason. The car has an intake and long tube headers per STS class rules and additionally has a chip in the ECU that has been tweaked.
How big of an effect is this likely to be making? Do I run the risk of burning it all down if I pull it out? Now that I understand what it's doing I'm more likely to keep it, but I'd like to understand it better.
Last thing before I take the kids to the doctor for vaccinations. The horn isn't hooked up. No biggie, except the little flapper arm in the column doesn't have power either. As far as I can tell it's supposed to be +12v. Fuse is good. Any thoughts on where to start troubleshooting? 
Does the power go from the fusebox to the horn and then to the column to be grounded?
Another project? Did I miss/you sell something or is your current total:
964 - kidnapped by Mrs MostAwesomeDeuce.
Fergus the kiddy trainer
RX7 Dirt whore
CaddyShack of EvilAwesome - One lap steed
Honda alphabet soup cone beater
Surely this lot is enough therapy for not getting the Caloway Wagon?
Mad_Ratel wrote:
Do not forget his truck.
Trucks don't count, they are punishment 
Don't forget the 60ft turd in the grosh
2002maniac wrote:
Don't forget the 60ft turd in the grosh
Funnily enough I have no jealousy of that one!
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
Mad_Ratel wrote:
Do not forget his truck.
Trucks don't count, they are punishment
Lol. (I just bought a truck for fun...) 2014 f150...
which truck did you buy mad?
In reply to solfly:
Thanks. Turns out the horns were unplugged for some reason. Also turns out you have to pull the bumper to get to them. And I need a new air filter which could only be done by pulling the bumper, so it's probably good that I did it.
Plugged in the horns, wired up the horn button on the wheel and one more thing works. Sweet.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
Another project? Did I miss/you sell something or is your current total:
Three things:
1. I had all of those but the V wagon and the Civic before the Callaway nonsense, but yes, I feel better. 
2. Mrs. Deuce has her FJ cruiser too.
3. The secret to automotive bliss, marry well.
mazdeuce wrote:
This shouldn't be there then?
Blower motor still works. I'll clean and reassemble everything and see if the new resistor makes the system work again. Thanks Woody.
Holy cow did it eat a sweater? Nice long distance mechanic work Woody!!! 
3/20/15 10:40 a.m.
mazdeuce wrote:
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
Another project? Did I miss/you sell something or is your current total:
Three things:
1. I had all of those but the V wagon and the Civic before the Callaway nonsense, but yes, I feel better.
2. Mrs. Deuce has her FJ cruiser too.
3. The secret to automotive bliss, marry well.
just following along on this (and your grosh) thread … I'm pretty well convinced that you did exactly that 
I got in trouble this morning. 
I let Mrs. Deuce sleep in (she had today off) and I got the kids all situated and fed and then went off and bought fasteners to replace those that have gone missing in the 24 years the car has been around. I also bought weather stripping to replace the disintegrating foam that used to seal up the HVAC bits and pieces. I was back home happily assembling things when Mrs. Deuce wandered out all bleary eyed to say hello. I was pretty proud of my work.
Really what?
"We have a door in the living room that you can see light around. I've watched pill bugs just walk right in. That door has needed weather stripping for over a decade, and you want me to be happy about you putting it on the car?"
So I didn't take any pictures of my amazing work, but just as I was finishing up the mail lady brought the new reisitor and I was able to test it, and I'm not going to lie, it works really good.

24 year old hatchbacks have 24 year old hatch struts. 24 year old hatch struts don't work. The PO was pretty clever and put a piece of pipe over the strut which would prop it open.
It worked, but new struts were only $8 each, so now the hatch does proper hatchey things. 
Did you get weather stripping on the door to the house?
3/21/15 6:26 a.m.
For the love of God, keep that girl happy!!
I swear, keep doing this stuff and you are going to have a handyman party where we come fix your house so that mrs deuce does not kick you out...
i mean for E36 M3's sake. PUT a damn weather strip on the door!
Mrs. Deuce made me write out that story by the way. "Go tell your friends what you've done." Deucekid #1 and I are headed to the museum for her special birthday trip today, so we'll stop on the way home and grab the appropriate weather stripping.
I tell a lot of self deprecating stories, but I do keep Mrs. Deuce happy, I promise.
3/21/15 9:06 a.m.
And I thought I got away with murder. Jesus man, you make me look like a saint.
I put the weather stripping up, and in my defense, examination of the door revealed that I had done it a few years ago, just not very well. I know more about proper exterior door sealing now, and it's done properly. Moving on......
All of the windows in the Civic are tinted. Even the windshield. I don't like tint on a track car. Very often you're watching other drivers actions as you come up on them to get a feeling for whether or not they see you and what they're going to do. Tint makes that harder.
The rear window had a pretty nasty hole scratched in the tint so I started there.
It peeled off well. Getting the rest of the adhesive off is a bit of a hassle, but I'm almost done with it. Five more to go.