Hit the track this Friday/Saturday! Friday was an open day and it was awesome!! I was out on track with maybe 2-3 other cars at a time. It'd been awhile since I'd been to Pueblo, so it was nice to reacquaint myself to the track. Super chill group, no traffic at all, I went out for 15 minutes at a time every hour and was done at 3:15 or so.
Next day was the AMR PCA day, I was put in the Orange group, which has expanded passing. That means you can pass anywhere with a point by. I gridded in the middle, where I usually do with RMR, figuring there were going to be very fast people ahead of me. Not so much. The first run session I was held up continually, not given point bys etc. I actually asked the lead organizer to bump me to Black, or sit down with the group and ask them to watch their mirrors and give point bys. Neither happened.
Second session I made sure I was the lead car out. I hit my goal, which was do to under 1:50. I ended up doing a 1:49:41 with a predicted best lap of about a second faster. Nobody caught me until 2/3rds of the way through, when my tires got too hot and I let a cayman past. Third session I caught the tail of the group inside of 2 laps and had to work my way through traffic, getting stuck behind a 996 C4S that was really clueless that I was there. Not good. Last session I did 4-5 laps, then came in, called it a day.
Here's my best lap courtesy of the Garmin Catalyst. I've got lots of places to improve, I need to push the car far more in the corners and A: Trust the grip and B: Don't be such a sissy. I give away Turn 10 leading onto the front straight on purpose. You cross over multiple types of pavement, the plate for the Drag Race tree and the burn out box. Then there's a concrete wall on the outside of the straight.
The Catalyst is awesome! Sets up really easily, does a great job of lap times, coaching, easily intrepreted opportunities and video review.
The tire trailer worked out fabulously! I got the fuel jugs mounted and that worked out really well.

Towed really nicely, very smooth. You can hardly see it behind the car, doesn't block visibility at all!

It hitches up the car easily, although I want to buy one of those fold down wheels for the trailer from Harbor Freight.

I managed to beat the rain home and today I unloaded the car, washed it, swapped the street brake pads back on, unloaded the tire trailer and tucked it away too. Looking forward to my next track day at High Plains on July 24th.