Home safe in the grosh. I probably have a lot to say about the car. It's pretty amazing.
A decade ago I had a 1982 Volvo 240 Wagon. It was one of my favorite cars. Drive the ever living E36 M3 out of it and never violate traffic rules. It was a blast.
A bit over a year ago I bought the 911. I love that too, but it really wants to start being awesome right where the speed limit ends. It always wants to go faster. Always.
The CTS-V.... well..... if you baby it then it's quite gentle. You could own one of these and put a block of wood under the throttle and never know what you have. Start to get in to it, and I don't even know what full throttle feels like yet, and the car looks you in the eye and says "YOU'RE berkeleyING GOING TO JAIL!"
It's a new experience for me.
mazdeuce wrote:
In reply to dyintorace:
Yay magnetic sheet!
Phew. You had me nervous! 
New Reader
4/26/14 8:26 p.m.
Just remember to take the tuba with you when you get the custom roll cage made for it.
In the Before Times when I lived in Toledo we used to run events at Toledo Express airport. Then there was that day that a car went through a wall of a hanger and alllllmost hit a very expensive flying machine. Airport personnel wondered why there were no skid marks. The answer was the guy probably thought he could save it...
It took many years to be able to run there again.
That picture was at the airport in Houston when I was waiting to get on the plane. They do run events on an old airfield at Texas A&M and it's huge and spectacular.
mazdeuce wrote:
I don't even know what full throttle feels like yet, and the car looks you in the eye and says "YOU'RE berkeleyING GOING TO JAIL!"
we should all be so fortunate as to have a car that says such things. congrats!
mazdeuce wrote:
That picture was at the airport in Houston when I was waiting to get on the plane. They do run events on an old airfield at Texas A&M and it's huge and spectacular.
Very good info to know...now to get a car...
Edit; Oh and a huge congratulations.
Even though I've said time and time again how well the 911 works getting groceries, the wagon does work better. Also, my wife went for a drive and declared that it needs louder exhaust. I love that woman so much.
It's also a wee bit bigger than the 911.
Autocross coming up on May 11. I can either drive RX7 which would mean finishing moving the seat and that sounds like sooooo much work. I could also try out the CSP Miata of my friend who has driven the RX7 at the past two events. He wants me to help him finish off the tires which sounds fun. The wagon will only have something like 400 miles on it, but I think it would be SO FUN!
Excellent! Looks sinister in black too.
mndsm wrote:
Do the wagon.
Yes. Also be warned that if I'm ever within 50 feet I might actually DO the wagon.
Sexy beast.

Driving the kids to school in the V-wagon is like hiring a bikini model to wash the dishes. It's nice, and the job gets done, but you get the nagging feeling that life could somehow be more fun.
If I could swing it I would love one of those, I tried to talk my buddy into getting a wagon but he got a sedan instead. In the 8 months or so that he has had it he has done a pulley, tune and headers and man that car will move.
mazdeuce wrote:
Thus ending arguments over who drives the "good car" today.
4/29/14 5:20 p.m.
mazdeuce wrote:
Driving the kids to school in the V-wagon is like hiring a bikini model to wash the dishes. It's nice, and the job gets done, but you get the nagging feeling that life could somehow be more fun.
Step one- disengage traction control. Step two, engage brick foot. The rest will sort itself out.
I have kept my fat little fingers away from the traction control switch so far. I'm trying to be a good person during break in. The plan was to disengage it during the autocross on the 11th but it was just cancelled. 
New Reader
4/29/14 8:36 p.m.
When I was working the Zoom Zoom Live tours for Mazda we had to talk about the DSC system. Dynamic Stability Control they call it. I started calling it Dynamic Stupidity Control. Check your owner's manual, some of those systems have a setting that will give you a little more freedom.
mazdeuce wrote:
Autocross coming up on May 11.............. The wagon will only have something like 400 miles on it, but I think it would be SO FUN!
So, my C30 only had about 850 miles on it before hitting the Nurburg Ring, and that's only because that's the distance from the factory to the track. There's a strong lobby that believes the best way to break in an engine is the thrash the ever living crap out of it. I have no regrets 6 years and 85k miles later. Run it 
Awesome! I kept ignoring this thread because I thought it was just a continuation of your other Tuba thread. Glad you snagged one up before they all went away. I am a little curious if they tried to ream you on price or did they just want to sell it off because it was being closed out.
I will say this about turning off the TC. My friend just had to put new tires on his, OUCH.
I have a hard time liking this car, but only because it seems to be distracting you from more progress on the grosh! I probably speak for others when I tell you we are dying to see the next set of pics of your construction masterpiece.
My GS has barely over half the horsepower of this thing (300 versus, what, 556hp?) and you can't exercise it on the street at all. I bet this is a hoot, for two seconds at a time before you have to get back on the brakes. Envy! That's all I can say!
Good job on the ultimate dadmobile.
My wife and I rented a CTS-V on our honeymoon last fall, despite it being an automatic it was still one of the funnest cars I've ever driven and someday hope to own.
stomping the skinny pedal the first time is terrifying, stomping the skinny pedal for the 100th time is only slightly less terrifying but your brain at least has adjusted enough to marvel at how rapidly something so big can accelerate.
By time 150 you've worked up the courage to turn off the traction control only to realize the car knows better than you do. by the 200th time you're starting to think about how much fun that extra 100hp from pulley/tune could be.
I swear its a miracle I still have a license after 3 days with one of these beauties.
The wagon isn't really distracting me from the grosh. It did take away that one day to go get it, but I really needed a break from the insane pace that I was on making sure the building was ready for a roof when my in-laws showed up.
As far as the car being awesome, yes, yes it is. Second gear is the most interesting so far. You run out of first almost immediately trying to keep things below 4k. Second gear pulls like a train just ran into the back of the car, and doing much in third puts you in jail territory faster than you can remove your foot from the gas.
I did pass a semi yesterday which was eye opening. He was going 50 in a 60. I get behind him, wait for traffic to clear, downshift to 4th and go. By the time I had cleared his front bumper I was seeing triple didgits. I'm not entirely sure how I would explain that sort of speed to a police officer. Clearly some brain recalibration is in order.
singleslammer wrote:
Awesome! I kept ignoring this thread because I thought it was just a continuation of your other Tuba thread. Glad you snagged one up before they all went away. I am a little curious if they tried to ream you on price or did they just want to sell it off because it was being closed out.
Price wasnt an issue. I have the GM family discount through her grandfather and that's one of those 'this is the price' things. I was very happy with the price.