I share your feelings about the mess that some pads leave....my MINI factory pads were horrible, you couldn't drive around the block without them turning black!
But when I switched to some fairly high end ceramic pads, within 5K miles I had brake pulsation in front. Never had it with the factory pads.....
Good semi-metalic pad material has run into the CARB. See what is available in Australia or NZ and import them.
In reply to TurnerX19 :
This is a point that I had never thought of. Makes a lot of sense.
Thinking about it, if everything is going to leave deposits when it gets overheated, there may be a reason to do that National Mod after all. Bigger rotors and more caliper pistons will, in theory, make it easier for the car to stop with less effort. And I'm definitely getting deposits and overheating/glazing (see previous posts in this thread). Bigger brakes that work with less effort might negate the whole pad material conversation a bit.