Life has been busy as ever, added a 3rd kid and have done a lot of travel before and since.
Been back on the courier this week though, trying to finish the holes in the floor.
transmission tunnel is done now and drivers floor is making progress. 

Since passenger side is good and tunnel is good, gotta finish the drivers side. I had about an hour tonight.
Out with some old, in with some new

and ready to start working the next piece another night soon.

Another piece of the puzzle. 2 more big pieces probably, And maybe another section or 2 of Sill.

Hell yeah dude, love to see the progress on this thing.
In reply to RacetruckRon :
Feels good to be making it. Nothing major tonight but finished up welding all the existing pieces

and I'm guessing it'll take me 2 patches for the back remainder here.

Still here, still slow. Busy season of life.
Out with the next, in with the next.

Was hoping to knock out my piece 3 here, but i think I'll have to peel back another layer to end up with solid material where the floor meets the back wall.

9/9/24 4:59 p.m.
Frustrating, but you are almost there - and knowing that the body is properly repaired goes a long way for peace of mind.
Peace of mind is definitely what I'm looking for. I needed some more motivation so I chucked in a passenger seat and a center console just to imagine how it'll feel :)
hopefully can start tearing it up a little more today!

Cut the spot welds on the drivers side "shelf" the other day to prep for that rust repair, and then chased the passenger seat mount instead because it was fun and let me be a little creative.
It's far from perfect and warped some while welding, but I like it. The inboard side will get crafted into floor/trans tunnel later and then tied laterally to this in some way.
Open to critiques, too! First time through this.

Quick vanity project: cut/bend/weld a little filler to smooth the transition. Still needs to get sanded but then I can throw a coat of primer on the whole piece.

Got the seat mount in primer today and cut open the drivers shelf. Yeah - it's freaking ugly. Going to take some thinking to figure out the best approach here.
** seems like difficulty uploading images, I'll try again soon

Still puzzling through this one a little bit. Not sure I can "button it up" and just weld in my new piece, as I'll be welding to pure rust here at the back and I know that won't work. I also am not sure if I can get access to the underside of the cab in this spot; body mount reinforcement is underneath on the rocker side, and the frame arm comes out from inside. I don't see a clean way to patch any of this, since it'll end up with me welding to rust. Sucks!

flip side, I keep messing with the seat to keep my hands busy and I think I'll end up with helmet clearance and decent (given how small these trucks are) leg room for passenger.

I'm 5'11 or so and felt pretty comfy, but I'm skinny. Definitely won't be a comfy ride for larger folks!
Okay- put the car on cribs and took the quick Jack down, looks like I'll have "good enough" access to do much of what I need to. Might not be pretty but this way I have *something* to weld to.

Been practicing for possible career shift in the next month or two. And trying to take care of the house while I'm on family leave.
Did spend a few minutes tonight though cutting out a spot for this GpS speedo I've had on my office shelf for at least 18 months!
main dash will be simple; 2 gauges and 2 idiot lights. But I'll likely hang some Aux gauges under the dash as well.

In search of another quick, morale boosting project I made a radio mount out of 16 gauge steel today that mounts where the old ashtray was.
I snagged the radio off Amazon because it has bluetooth, volume knob, and can output straight to speakers!

Got relatively caught up on Stuff around the house today and decided to dive in here during the kids nap instead of waiting for a full day.
My daughter heard, and when she got up she said "we haven't checked on the Courier in a while so maybe we should go check on it now," so of course I was motivated to get back out after they went to bed tonight.
Not huge progress, really, but I think I've cut out the last rust I'm going to cut out. Started to weld in the last panel I made and started making the next one. I'll have one more to go.
Importantly (to me), cutting this much out has new floor welded all the way across, and all the way to the back wall.
I start my new job, including weekly travel - here in a few weeks. I'm hoping to have this welded in, ground down, and at least primed.