2K4Kcsq HalfDork
5/3/16 10:22 a.m.

Now that the scirocco is sorted out and basically ready for Vegas I am back to working on the quattro.

Very happy with how this turned out. I was going to mount the coils directly but I changed my mind. Made a simple rack out of some .25 bar stock threaded with an m6 die and some small tubing machined on my small lathe for spacers. Then a couple angle iron brackets welded to the tubing and a piece of flat bar bent and welded for the top mount. Plug wires are from a 2009 Z06 vette, $50 over the counter. Super simple. Very tidy and easy to remove and separate should a coil go bad. And it makes good use of the only open space I had

de80q Reader
5/3/16 12:24 p.m.

Looks very clean, I like it!

I went with the long DIY wires on Eric's recommendation.

2K4Kcsq HalfDork
5/4/16 8:25 a.m.

Thanks man! Today I'll probably take the distributor apart, shorten the shafts so I can fit that sweet cap you made me

2K4Kcsq HalfDork
5/5/16 8:36 a.m.

Thanks to de80q and his high quality machining, I only had to shorten the top shaft. I put a small dimple in the underside of the cap so I had enough clearance for a low head screw to hold the upper down on the lower. I know the cap wouldn't allow enough movement but I wanted things to stay tight.

Also finished the ECU mods a couple days ago

Just need to wire up injectors and coils, then I'll be ready to run again.

de80q Reader
5/5/16 10:43 a.m.

Nice to see it worked for you. Sorry about the minor clearance issue, with the later dizzys, there is nothing above the window wheel after shaft is cut.

2K4Kcsq HalfDork
5/6/16 9:17 a.m.

No need for apologies. I didn't have any clearance issue till I added the screw. It fit quite well

Still playing with wires but that's because I was in such a hurry back in 2014 that I was never happy with it. Re wiring the main & fuel pump relay and I'm ditching the piggyback fuse setup and connecting to the back side of the fuse block for my switched 12v needs.

2K4Kcsq HalfDork
5/17/16 9:08 p.m.

I had some issues with the 3.57 board, ended up using jumper wires on the new map sensor. Once I sorted that out the new sequential/coil on plug setup started and idles better than the old batch fire ever could. Super excited with how things are going. Waiting on a new fuel fitting before I drive and tune.

I also spent some time tidying up the engine bay, replaced the rear rotors and pads (way overdue). Replaced a door handle and latch, lowered the car and put the summers back on. Got some new rubber this year to. Should be a memorable wuste. Not sure if I'm crazy or genius taking 2 megasquirt cars 10+ hours across the desert in june. . .

de80q Reader
5/17/16 11:16 p.m.

I finally got mine fired up this weekend too! I was in shock how well it starts and idles now with MS3X.

I love the summer stance your car has!

2K4Kcsq HalfDork
5/18/16 8:23 a.m.

That's awesome man! Glad to hear yours is also running. I was surprised aswell. Haven't done any tuning and it's already better. I even went back to my 630cc injectors and it still idles better. Can't wait to feel it at peak torque

2K4Kcsq HalfDork
5/19/16 10:28 p.m.

went out to the farmlands tonight for some tuning. I was able to add 13 degrees timing on boost without a hint of detonation and I'm pretty sure I can give it even more. Its making an additional 4lbs of boost before peak torque without touching the boost controller. the best part, it drives like a car should now. no more off idle stumbles, low rpm hesitation is completely gone. I can lug it in high gear at low speeds and it just keeps chugging. In other words, its drivable to anyone, not just me. also its a beast. I may try to get it on some rollers again in vegas

2K4Kcsq HalfDork
5/22/16 9:36 a.m.

Almost ready to cross the desert. Both need more ignition timing and some economic fuel tweaks but running very good otherwise

photo credit goes to my wife. Shooting at night is fun with her new samsung.

de80q Reader
5/27/16 10:06 a.m.

Cars are looking great! I wish I could make it out there for the shows!

2K4Kcsq HalfDork
5/30/16 9:52 a.m.

I feel the same way about Carlisle every year. Someday we will drive out for it.

Last week or so has been a marathon. Got new tires mounted, had an alignment done, found a bad front shock and a bad rear control arm bushing while it was on the rack. Went to replace the front shocks and fought the blown one for half a day. Kinda sad since I put those in with fresh oil just 4 years ago. That's what I get for buying ebay shocks at $9 each The new kyb has more clearance inside the shock tube than those old sensen brand so hopefully there won't be a fight getting them out next time.

After the shocks we went back out to farm country and I finally felt comfortable letting Katrina drive while I handled the key strokes in tuner studio. For the longest time my throttle was so weird (self inflicted) that I was worried it might stick or some other terrible scenario. Now this thing feels like a normal car, idles low, drives at low rpm in high gear. What a difference the expansion made. Between the new found drivability and the improved ride quality ($30 shocks vs. The challenge budget friendly $9) this car is feeling, looking, and driving better than ever. I even got the horn working on the A4 steering wheel. Times are good.

A small taste of the projects coming out of western colorado this year

Wuste 10 departure is less than 72hrs away

de80q Reader
5/31/16 1:55 p.m.

Should be one hell of a caravan to the show! I look forward to you video of it!

2K4Kcsq HalfDork
6/10/16 10:12 a.m.

What a trip. The Audi ran absolutely perfect the entire weekend. Wish I could say the same about the scirocco It all started out great but 5 hours in the rocco began its misfire. Its done it before when the outside temps get high. Vegas proved to be too much for the handed down MS1 ECU and we spent a good part of thursday evening driving 15-20 miles at a time. The one time we attempted to bear the mid day vegas heat going too the car wash I ended up pushing the rocco thru a major I-15 intersection and about passed out from heat stroke Once I spent the weekend troubleshooting with a lot of help from friends, we determined the BIP373 ignition output driver was to blame. We got the car home with the ECU on an ice pack (it literally felt like a cold beer ) and I have ordered a new driver.

I'm just glad the audi ran so good. I might have had a nervous breakdown if both cars had started screwing up

My wife is quickly becoming quite a photographer with her new camera

2K4Kcsq HalfDork
7/2/16 8:40 a.m.

scirocco has a nice MS3 unit now. Audi is running soo good I don't want to change a thing. no time to rest, Colorado BugIn at bandimeer speedway is coming up fast. until then here's a bunch of euro cars in Las Vegas.

#wustevegasten video

de80q Reader
7/2/16 4:05 p.m.

Vid came out great! Not sure how I missed the June update though... I'm glad you were able to make it there and back ok.

We're you able to get any more pics of that CQ? With the small B3 community, I would think I would have recognized that one.

Have you tried using the "Live Analyzer" on TS? I'm giving it a shot, and so far it seems to be doing quite well.

2K4Kcsq HalfDork
7/2/16 9:25 p.m.
de80q wrote: We're you able to get any more pics of that CQ? With the small B3 community, I would think I would have recognized that one.

Yeah I actually talked to the owner for a bit one night. It doesn't surprise its not all over the internet as its a fairly recent build. I had been following the coupe on Instagram for a few months but the first time I saw it in audi sport livery was when it passed me on a trailer while we limped the scirocco thru southern Utah. He is actually from Colorado springs so I hope to see the car again soon.

If I recall it is a turbo 7A with a hood exit exhaust, rear mounted radiator, huge flares to fit the ford replica wheels. Pretty cool car I thought. Just needs a front bumper

de80q Reader
7/3/16 9:08 a.m.

Yeah, that definitely a cool car! That intercooler is massive! Being a 7A turbo, I can't see it needing one that big, but looks bad ass. It needs a bumper for sure though. If for nothing else, to hell conceal the giant IC.

2K4Kcsq HalfDork
7/19/16 8:26 a.m.

Not much new here. Totally blew it at the bugin drag races. . . Missed 2 out of 3 dial in runs then red-lit and broke out on my first elimination round. . . The good news was I ran 14.9 at bandimeer so the car is getting faster. One more cool thing from the bugin was I got to park next to another 4000cs with a 10vt swap, That was a first.

I keep getting distracted by side work but I plan on installing my launch control before the next vw race in august. Should be interesting since I'll be running much faster than last year

2K4Kcsq HalfDork
9/18/16 6:46 p.m.

I finally took the time to come up with a clutch button and set up launch control this weekend. . . holy hell this car can rip out of a dig! I'll post a video soon but it sure is nice to leave the line on full boost. the car seems to enjoy 20psi. no problems engine wise but im glad the drag racing season is over for me. plenty of maintanence to do this winter.

de80q Reader
9/18/16 7:09 p.m.

What did you end up using for the launch control switch? I have been trying to figure out what to use for this.

2K4Kcsq HalfDork
9/19/16 9:00 a.m.

I actually used a momentary switch off of a vw/audi 16v/20v throttle body. all MS needs is a switch to ground so just about anything will work. the most critical part is making it line up and engage at the right spot.

works great but I already decided that I need an led or something wired into that circuit to use as a heads up display that the button is "on" when staged. thanks to a little slop in the clutch pedal pivot, the button didnt hit one run so an indicator light would be excellent. otherwise I just need to drop the rpm hold to 3000 and practice releasing the clutch. I know this car will run 13's if launched just right

2K4Kcsq HalfDork
9/20/16 5:51 p.m.
2K4Kcsq HalfDork
10/8/16 9:15 a.m.

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