So it's been 4 weeks since the last update. Not really much happened in the meantime except DGRR. It's a different kind of event than my usual track days but it gave me an excuse/reason to detail the car. This was also the first year I trailored the car down instead of driving it. More expensive but definitely the right choice. The rotary rally was a bit more subdued than years past but I still had fun meeting up with friends I haven't seen in three years. Driving the Cherohala Skyway and Tail of the Dragon was kind of a mixed bag. I got a couple good runs in but was frequently plagued by other motorists. I understand, public roads, not a racetrack, etc. but I rarely go more than 10 mi/hr over the speed limit and there are plenty of pull-offs to let faster vehicles go by. I did this myself many times. I was also having intermittent problems with my MAP sensor. Coming down the Cherohala Skyway one time it would randomly bounce between actual engine vacuum and atmospheric pressure. This would cause the ECU to dump fuel into the engine as it was thinking I was at WOT when in reality I was at light-to-medium throttle at best. This only seemed to happen after long periods of deep vacuum like one does coming down a mountain. After stopping for lunch at the bottom I played with the sensor but didn't see anything obviously wrong. Unplugged it, made sure nothing was out of the ordinary and plugged it back in, and didn't have any issues for the rest of the weekend. So I'm not sure if there's an issue with the sensor or somehow the altitude change was causing it. Regardless, I grabbed a new one after the event that I'll be installing before my next HPDE. Since this is becoming a wall of test let's break it up with some photos. Here's a quick shot at te Scenic Overlook at the top of the Skyway (6000 ft):

The hood is up because the car runs hot in these conditions (low speed, high RPM). I think it's funny the car runs cooler on the track than it does on public roads. And some shots from the Saturday car show. First is the "RotorRossa"

I'm pretty sure this started out life as a Berkley. Powered by a 12A with a DCOE carb. I'm not even sure what this next thing was:

Some kind of wild sandrail/dunebuggy thing powered by a turbo 13B. The thing had a massive turbo, eight injectors and was all EFI courtesy of Haltech. Not sure I'd ever want to drive it as the fuel tank was up high hanging out past the rear wheels (the chrome thing in the photo above). If anyone is curious what a side-ported 4 rotor with a massive turbo looks like look no further:

Apparently I neglected to take a shot of the entire car (probably too many people around) but this FD sounded absolutely mental. According to the builders it's "street legal" and the owner wanted to use it for 1/2 and full mile top speed runs. Some other highlights include this very cool RX2 racecar:

And this pretty clean 20B Cosmo:

I really want to own one of these some day and is one of the few cars I'd consider selling my SA for. I just like the idea of having a big, comfy cruiser the whole family could ride in. I think these cars, with the OEM body kit, a slight drop and some tasteful wheels look amazing. I managed to pick up honors for best FC (second generation):

There wasn't a huge turnout of this body style but I'm always flattered by the compliments this car gets. The big turbo cars always seem to get all the attention and everyone is always surprised when I show them my car is still N/A.
I'm hoping I'll be able to make it again next year. If so, I've already made up my mind that I'm bring the first gen. I think it's just better suited to this kind of event than the FC and I think a lot of people would appreciate seeing a clean, stock SA.
Jumping back to the MAP sensor for a bit, I'm now wondering if it was the reason the car was running poorly a while back before the last Dominion HPDE. I was on my way to fill up the car when I got stuck moving behind a slow moving construction vehicle. I didn't look at the MAP value but the feeling and situations were similar - going downhill under heavy vacuum for a while followed by the car generally running like crap. I assumed it was just the car running low on fuel (light was on) because once I filled up it didn't happen again. I had another, similar situation when I was playing with ECU grounds. Without going into detail I tried something different with the ECU grounds based on Haltech's recommendations for the Elite since I had to make some compromises as I'm still using my original Platinum Sport wiring harness. I assumed the poor running was the result of moving grounds around because the car was running very rich but again, I didn't note the MAP value. Only difference that time was no extended driving in deep vacuum. It definitely seems like something wonky is going on with the MAP sensor. I'm hoping it's just a dying sensor as I do have a replacement. I'm not intimately familiar with how they work but is it normal for them to lose all resistance (i.e. always output 5V) when bad?
In other news I'm still waiting on my new dash (Haltech IC7) and wideband controller kit. I guess the chop shortage has hit the aftermarket ECU industry as well since both of these are backordered. The last update was an expected 5/20 ship date so we'll see. I really want to upgrade to the newer and faster LSU 4.9 sensors and free up inputs with the CAN setup and running fuel level directly to the display. My goal of DWB is getting closer. I've also started looking at PWM-controlled, brushless cooling fans. My current fan suffered some damage when my trigger wheel exploded at VIR last October. While it appears to be working fine (just the shroud is broken in places) I'm worried Tech might take exception with it at some events. I have open PWM outputs available from my ECU and I like the idea of "soft starts" and being able to control fan speed based on engine temperature. Been looking at 16" fans from SPAL and DeltaPAG. I haven't heard of the latter until recently but they're advertising slightly more flow, less current draw and with a slightly lower price point than the SPALs. They even have a 18" version (my core is ~18" x 20").
Up next is a one-day HPDE with the SCCA at Dominion again on the 21st. Need to bleed the brakes, install the new MAP sensor and give the car a quick wash before re-applying my numbers and I'm good to go. After that I've signed up to run with NASA at Summit Point the end of June. For that I ended up signing up for HPDE2 since 1 was full. I asked if I could register for 2 given my experience and they agreed.