This happened because I have a long suffering, very good friend, who works through issues. He has tools and the skills to really fix things. In this case, a 2005 Toyota Highlander, Limited 4WD. The AC/Digital Climate control decided to fail in such a way that you could turn the fan switch on or off, but not control he heat setting. That decided to only give you the highest heat setting.
Now, it did still allow me to turn on the AC. That did some what kept the car sort of cool, running with the heater fixated on creating a very warm cabin. Not sure how I got it to do any of this, but I knew it had to be corrected.
E-bay, can help you find, purchase and have delivered many things. Some times this works to your advantage, sometimes. In my case I did locate the part I was looking for and if it had actually worked in my application I would only be financially lighter and not any wiser. No such luck, in my case.
When he removed the control unit cover, using the non-marring plastic tool you have to have to not leave a trail of marred dash in your wake. Everything that needs to be removed is held in place with only six, 10mm bolts that only two of them really want to fall back into the dash cavity. Never to be found and spend the rest of the cars working life rattling around announcing their existence. Unless you have the magnet on an expandable thing that allows you to capture the bolt before it falls into oblivion.
Then, when you have it all buttoned up and are ready to call it done, it's not. Because the AC button on the controller is not making the compressor do its thing when it is turned on. Nothing. Time for the fun to really begin. My old unit did in fact get the AC to work. We knew this because he again removed the new controller and put mine back in the car. Then he diagnosed why mine had failed. The ribbon cable to the temperature switch had failed, in two spots.
But he cut it off and re-soldered all thee wires. Because it was the right way to fit it. These is more, the control unit is a two part affair the has it's own ribbon cable attaching both parts. I actually got to help hold the top part while he put the ribbon where it belonged.
As for the return and refund, that happened this morning. When you purchase from a local vender, this might happen. Maybe.