3/27/13 7:53 a.m.
Still no pictures as ye ol' picture taker isn't working.
Most of the work took place in the afternoon because I had the day off and was playing with the kids most of the day and dealing with 3/4 sick kids.
I knocked around the body line. I am happy enough with it that I can weld it up and then knock it around some more.
Tuna make good progress.
I have one of those pneumatic flangers, works good. I used mine to: make a flange in one panel, then used the punch side of the head to make 3/16" punch holes in the unflanged panels. Then put the unflanged panel in the flange and welded at the holes (called plug welding), this makes for a nice flat joint which just needs a skim of body filler to look great.
3/27/13 9:23 p.m.
Kid #1 is recovering nicely from his ear infection. Kid #2 apparently has some bad side effects from his adnoidectomey and tube insertion, and has a high fever, eats very little and is generally miserable. Kid #3 continually has diarrhea. Kid #4 seems fine.
I went out there and finished welding the seam. Then I ground it away. I woke up kids #1 and #2. Turns out I realized I forgot both of their amox and the drops for kid #2. Pulling that off got a lot of screaming from kid #2, and I poured amox all over kid #1s pillow. He's a trooper.
So... still have some grinding to do, but it will have to be quieter, and I have to remember their medicines.
3/28/13 12:22 a.m.
Kid #2 just threw up. He has been up since I posted last. He woke up kid #4 and kid #3 along the way.
At least only one barf didn't land in the porcelain.
sounds like kid #4 should be in teh garage mocking up patch panels...
3/28/13 10:22 p.m.
Kid #2 started the morning throwing up. On me. Kid #3 woke up with a diarrhea diaper and made maybe 4 more before I left for work.
I got 10 minuted from work and the wife called begging me to turn around.
I've cleaned up every color, texture and smell you can imagine today. I went to sleep last night at 2:30, woke up at 5, and was woken up probably a dozen times.
I got thrown up on so bad by #3 that my underwear were covered... somehow.
I was just outside hosing down the sheets from #1. His mattress has new everything and his mattress is on the floor so he can improve upon his puke-reaction-time as compared to the top bunk.
I am not going to work on the truck tonight.
3/28/13 10:51 p.m.
You know you are a parent when you try to catch it so it doesn't get on the carpet.
My condolences.
When you're old, you can throw up on all three of them.
3/28/13 11:23 p.m.
SkinnyG wrote:
You know you are a parent when you try to catch it so it doesn't get on the carpet.
My condolences.
When you're old, you can throw up on all three of them.
Oh yeah dude, I was aiming for my shirt with the last one from kid #3. I got most of it off the couch.
my prayers are with you and your family. hope the kiddos get better soon....
3/30/13 10:22 p.m.
More sick. Lots of it. Thanks for the prayers. We're trying.
anythimng we can do for you or the tunakids?
3/31/13 12:21 p.m.
Dusterbd13 wrote:
anythimng we can do for you or the tunakids?
Thanks. I think we're going to be OK. Tunakid #2 peed this morning for the first time in 24 hours. I bought some vitamin water (like Gatorade, without the crap in it) and rationed it a few sips at a time over an hour and a half to get that to happen. His diarrhea is still there, but not nearly as bad. Tunakid #1 is fine, he's back to school tomorrow. Tunakid #3 is tired and woke up at 3 something to get me to do... something. We spent a few hours on the couch before anyone woke up. Tunakid #4 is getting some loose diapers, so we may be getting into some more with her.
I'm fine. Just tired. I'm going to go out now and shovel rock with Tunakid #1 (long story, will post pics later when we have a new picture-taker).
Thanks for the patience, guys.
3/31/13 12:22 p.m.
AngryCorvair wrote:
sounds like kid #4 should be in teh garage mocking up patch panels...
Tunakid #4 is five months old and is starting to have loose diapers herself...
4/1/13 9:26 p.m.
Tunakid #2 is still sick. Bad diarrhea and a small amount of vomiting today. Luckily, since he had his adenoids removed and tubes inserted last week Monday, his words are now fantastic, so he talks. Constantly. About throwing up. Tunakid #3 is just really tired and cranky. Wife is feeling crappy. Tunakid #4 looks like she has it.
I went out anyway. I wanted to oil/filter/battery the John Deere and to bench bleed the master for the Cruiser and then start on the bedside.
Air filter was wrong, even after I tried to massage it 50 times.
The battery was backwards. I tried to jump it, which didn't work at all, then found out the polarity was reversed, and the cables were not long enough.
Then I spilled oil on the floor.
The frickin' master cylinder has four outlets. I didn't put 2+2+2+2 together and got brake fluid squirted everywhere. I only have enough brake lines to make two outlets bleed, and two very large puddles on the floor, and one on my arm.
Did you ever have one of those days that you couldn't hit the ground with your hat?
F this, I'll try again tomorrow.
I' ve had almost ten years of these days on the bugeye project!
Might be why I'm rooting for ya on this one...there is an end.
Dear Lord!, I feel like a wuss because all I need to do is organize my stuff for the race this weekend and clean the house.
I wish you and your wife the very best! Good luck!
Rob R.
We all know how frustrating it is when NOTHING goes right with the projects we need to and want to take care of. You've had plenty of good days since you picked this back up, this is just the flip side of the coin.
I can't imagine having a van load of sick kids on top of a crappy garage session though. Honestly, if I'd been dealing with sick kiddos/spousal unit for days, I think I'd have just gone outside for some fresh air, a cold brew, and some solitude. Mad props for at least attempting some wrenching.
been there. recently.
sometimes, you walk away, smoke a cigarette, kick something into the woods, and then write a gratitude list to help change your attitude.
at least thats what i do.
speaking of which, i need to buy a new three lb hammer.....
Yeah... had one of those nights last night. Started with (in my mind) a 20 minute brake bleed, turned into about 6 hours of fiddling with the brakes trying to adjust, bleed, clear the lines, etc. Still isn't right, so I'm going back for more tonight. And tomorrow night, if I have to. 
4/3/13 10:13 a.m.
Sorry no update last night.
Tunakid #2 went to the Dr and then the hospital. Nobody seems to know why he turned blue, but he seems ok now. He had terrible diarrhea yesterday. Five times at the Dr office with me and three times at the hospital with me. We ran a load of Tunakid #2 clothes exclusively.
I got the right brake lines to bench bleed the master on the Cruiser and got the correct lawn mower filter, got them ready (doing the master tonight) and my night was over.
John, hopefully my brake adventure means I'm almost done, not starting in on that sort of thing.
4/4/13 7:13 a.m.
With the wife's help, the exact correct amount of brake fluid, and a few good sized puddles, the master is changed. Bad news. There was no fluid in the booster or on the back of the master. I will be watching the fluid level now to see what this change will do, if anything. Does anyone want the old master? It should work for a Neon with drums, perhaps on a challenge car.
We all have those bad days in the garage. Just walk away, do whatever it is that relaxes you, and try again. One of these days I'm going to paint a big red "RESET" button on the garage wall to bang my head against on those days before I walk out.
In reply to volvoclearinghouse:
That's an awesome idea. Consider it borrowed. 
4/5/13 10:32 p.m.
Coughing like crazy, and having to repair a broom (I know, I know) I went out there and ground away at my weld seam and welded up one of the ends. I spent like 45 minutes. I'll do some more tomorrow.
Here is what it looked like when I got to it (new camera!)

Note warping

Here it is with a bunch of extra weld ground off

Here is trouble area #1

I'll get that tomorrow.
Adios, folks.