Indy, don't think I'll be able to dynamic test this before the challenge. Critical planning mistake I know. But I told myself this year is about fun. I have tons of stuff I'd still like to do with the car that isn't going to happen in time, so this year I'm not killing myself to cram. I'll keep working toward the challenge and see where I get.
I am also very interested to see how this drives with new pucks and -200lbs of body fat. Hopefully better!
Finally, yes I think coming to the challenge car less is a really good plan if you've got a vacation day. Fly or drive down, stay at the host hotel. I guarantee you will have a good time.
On to the updates. Friday I got another hour in starting to cut out the left side canoe fender liners. They came out great.
First use the cut side to draw a mirror image on the uncut side.

Then test fit.

Next I cut the rear piece

and then I riveted both sides to each other (front piece to rear piece). Here they are "done".

You can really see how busted that canoe was. Woof.
Anyway, then I started on a task I've been putting off. Has to get done though, so might as well dig in. The floor.
So I pulled out the hood, of course.

And started removing the bracing.

Then it rained so I removed more bracing inside the garage.

These are cool. Measured and marked.

Two are cut to go in between the inner frame rails (under the drivers legs)

About here.

And then the other two will flank the driver at the rear of the main floor piece.
But first they need to be flattened. That curve worked for the hood but I need flat.

So, out comes the hammer and I got to mashing. One is mashed and the other isn't yet to show how squishing out in the middle can flatten the piece.


Here's where they will go.

And then I lifted the car up to get good access and tacked them all in. I'm stoked with how this came out, and now I have something to rivet the floor to in the middle and at the back!

1 hour yesterday and 5 today puts me at 545 total.